ESSENT – Team Thomas Steinbusch Vervolg Teamrollen van Belbin
Program – second part of the day 13.30: Short recapitulation of Belbin's nine roles Presentation and explanation team DNA 14.00: SWOT analyses for your team Question time in smaller groups 15.00: Tea/Coffee break 15.15: Plenary discussion Q&A 16.00: Start up our team engine… 17.00: Drinks & Goodbyes
Belbin’s Team roles – a short recap…
The nine team roles of Belbin The Coordinator (Voorzitter) The Shaper (Vormer) The Implementor (Bedrijfsman) The Teamworker (Groepswerker) The Resource investigator (Brononderzoeker) The Completer finisher (Zorgdrager) The Monitor (Waarschuwer) The Plant (Uitvinder) The Specialist
The Coordinator (Voorzitter) Characteristics: Natural leader Very communicative Structured, loves procedures Socially engaged Respected, well balanced Pitfalls: Can be manipulative Not so creative Telling others what to do Efficiency before effectivity
The Shaper (Vormer) Characteristics: Driven, passionate, wilful Wants to perform, seeks challenges, tries to motivate others Energetic, dynamic and compelling Extravert Respected and seen for passion and drive Pitfalls: Short-tempered, heated, irritable Dominant Over-simplified, blunt Not the best listener
The Coordinator (Bedrijfsman/vrouw) Characteristics: Hands-on Practical Systematic Stable, well balanced Sense of reality Dutiful Hard worker Pitfalls: Not very flexible, rigid, uncompromising Not very creative or innovative
The Teamworker (Groepswerker) Characteristics: Socially engaged Helpful Tolerant Wellbeing team Atmosphere and harmony Mild and understanding Pitfalls: Not very decisive A bit of a pleaser Compromise is most important
The Resource investigator (Brononderzoeker) Characteristics: Extravert Keen on contact Informative Enthusiastic and enthusing others Spontaneous Always trying to see and find possibilities and solutions Pitfalls: Inadequate or lousy follow-up Too optimistic Easily bored
The Plant (Uitvinder) Characteristics: Extremely creative – out of the box Independent Intelligent Unorthodox Inventor Sensitive Pitfalls: Not very practical Not always connected with reality Inadequate communication
The Specialist Characteristics: Determined, resolute Initiative Gives others: knowledge, information, skills (about a small specialisation) Very dedicated Pitfalls: Knows a lot about a little Input only about specialisation Not always connected to the big picture Not very sociable Not very good at working with others
The Monitor (Waarschuwer) Characteristics: Weighing the pros and cons against each other Sensible, cautious, deliberate, considerate Makes connections, objectifies, analyses Very serious and introvert Clear judgement, seldom wrong Prognoses and predictions based on analyses, facts and figures Pitfalls: Sees too many restrictions or limitations Not very inspiring Slows things down Cold and distant
The Completer finisher (Zorgdrager) Characteristics: Very conscientious Result driven Orderly, well-organised, eye for detail Punctually, hard worker Quality control Pitfalls: Struggles to let go or to delegate Too perfectionistic Nitty-gritty Not very flexible Discouragement based on fear
Question time: Team SWOT analyses Break out in smaller groups 2/3 Discuss and answer the following three questions: What are the strengths and weaknesses of our team? What are the opportunities and risks of our team? What elements are lacking? Or are present in abundance?
Coffee or tea break…
Plenary discussion Q&A Plenary discussion of the questions above, and some extra questions…
Start up our team engine… What can we change now? Tomorrow? Next month? Next year? Where are/lie our biggest business opportunities?
Conclusion Belbin revisited… Adopt a role (if need be) Two in stead of one equals three…. Working together empowers our team See an opportunity? Feel a need? Step up to the plate!
Drinks & Goodbye’s