Capítulo 4-1 Más vocabulario
pasar el rato con amigos Spend time with friends
caminar con el perro to walk the dog
montar en bicicleta to ride the bike
trabajar en un restaurante to work in a restaurant
tomar un refresco to drink a beverage
tomar un helado to have an ice cream
preparar la cena to make dinner
Quick Practice: Out of vocabulary Write 3 sentences using the vocabulary you just learned. Note: Don’t forget to conjugate the verb in the “yo” form. Ejemplo: Yo paso el rato con amigos.
Los días de la semana lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado domingo
Rules when using the days of the week Use el before a day of the week: el viernes To say what day it is drop el: Hoy es martes. To make sábado and domingo plural, add-s To say on Mondays, on Tuesdays: los lunes, los martes Days of the week in Spanish- NOT CAPITALIZED!