Strategy of radial velocity follow-up F. Bouchy1,2, Geneva and Marseille exo teams 1 Observatoire de Genève 2 Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille COROT Week 3 – Dec. 2002
Characterize the mass of exo-planets detected by COROT
HARPS 80 more efficient than CORALIE ! Fiber-fed cross-dispersed Echelle spectrograph Wavelength coverage: 380nm < l < 690nm Simultaneous reference (ThAr) Spectral resolution: R=100’000 Vacuum operation, T-control 80 more efficient than CORALIE !
Tungsten lamp fiber A 26 red orders 44 blue orders
Sun fiber A
Thorium fibers A and B Photon noise = 10 cms-1
Tracking capability 19 cm/s RMS
Expected photon noise 1 m/s K G F T_exp(s) = 2.512 ^ mv (S/N = 500) 13
Probability to find a planet N stars having a planet N stars of the sample around F, G, K dwarf : 1 – 10 % (function of the metallicity)
Mass function ~ 1/M
Estimation of transit detections 30’000 F,G,K dwarfs with P < 50 days 2 < P < 10 days Ptransit ~ 7.7% Pexo-planets ~ 15% 10 < P < 50 days Ptransit ~ 2.6% Pexo-planets ~ 15% 1 – 10 MJ [1-10 transits] 0.1 – 1 MJ [10-100 transits] 3 – 30 Mearth [25 transits] 1 – 10 MJ [1-3 transits] 0.1 – 1 MJ [3-30 transits] 3 – 30 Mearth [8 transits]
Estimation of transit detections 1 – 10 MJ [~ 10 transits] K > 100 m/s 0.1 – 1 MJ [~ 100 transits] K > 10 m/s 3 – 30 Mearth [~ 30 transits] K > 1 m/s
5 Mearth 10 Mearth 15 Mearth F0 (1.60 Ms) 158 40 18 G0 (1.05 Ms) 104 26 14 K0 (0.79 Ms) 78 20 9 M0 (0.51 Ms) 50 13 6 Nb of Doppler measurements (1 m/s) need to constrain the mass (10% level) of transit detected planets orbiting at 0.1 AU (HARPS 1 hour for mv = 13 / 2.5 hours for mv = 14)
HARPS 3.6m ESO 3 – 30 Mearth [~ 30 transits] 30 x 26 x 2.5 hours ~ 240 nights (10 Mearth - 0.1 AU - G0 - mv=14) 50 nights already allocated Possibility to follow-up immediately a detected transit Complet with ESO proposal (75 nights by year)
UVES+FLAMES 8.2m VLT (7 x HARPS) 0.1 – 1 MJ [~ 100 transits] 100 x 26 x 0.16 / 7 hours ~ 8 nights (0.3 MJ - 0.1 AU - G0 - mv=16) ESO proposal ~ 12 months of delay
SOPHIE 1.93m OHP (1/8 x HARPS) 0.1 – 1 MJ [~ 25 transits] 25 x 26 x 0.2 hours ~ 16 nights (0.3 MJ - 0.1 AU - G0 - mv=14) [~ 100 transits] 100 x 26 x 1.2 hours ~ 390 nights (0.3 MJ - 0.1 AU - G0 - mv=16)
CORALIE 1.2m La Silla (1/80 x HARPS) 1 – 10 MJ [~ 10 transits] 10 x 26 x 1 hours ~ 32 nights (3 MJ - 0.1 AU - G0 - mv=16) All objects > 10 MJ 100 nights already allocated Possibility to follow-up immediately a detected transit
Ground-Based Doppler Preparatory Observations for an exo-planet field F. Bouchy1,2, Geneva and Marseille exo teams 1 Observatoire de Genève 2 Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille COROT Week 3 – Dec. 2002
GIRAFFE spectrograph FOV 25 arcmin Multi-objects facilities up to 130 objects R ~ 20’000 Dl ~ 25 nm 360 – 940 nm
Goal 1 : Observe all bright stars of an exo-field A 25 arcmin field contains ~ 100 stars up to mv = 13.5 1 exo-field ~ 25 Giraffe fields 1 hour on mv = 13.5 => S/N = 80 Spectroscopic characterization (metallicity, …) Check the spectral classification provided by WF BVRI photometry Activity (characteristic emission lines) 2500 stars – 25 hours on VLT
Goal 2 : Detect hot Jupiters around bright stars of an exo-field A 25 arcmin field contains ~ 100 stars up to mv = 13.5 30 min on mv = 13.5 => S/N = 56 => dVrms = 35 m/s Find up to 20 new hot Jupiters Find binaries Characterize stellar activities ??? Select high precision masks for the exo-field 6 x 25 x 0.5 hours = 9 nights on VLT