Living in a multi-cultural World Brittany Lane
Artifact Name of Artifact: Children’s Book List Date: Fall 2013 Date: Fall 2013 Course: EDUC 255: Multi Cultural Education Brief Description: This is a Children’s Book list that I created based on several quality multicultural books. Each book had to cover topics of importance to culturally relevant teaching, as well as appropriate subject and/or grade level. Rationale: To document my understanding of Standard Two: Learning Differences, I have chosen to include my Children’s Book List. My book list enabled me to use different resources (books) to support and accelerate each student’s learning.
In MY Mommas Kitchen by: Jerdine Nolen Celebrates the heritage of many African- American Families around the world. Gives an insight on some of the events and traditions that many African – American families participate in. Everything circles around the kitchen from what types of foods are prepared to who participates .
Peace Begins with You by: Katherine Scholes Explains the concept of peace. What peace is, why conflicts arise, why it’s important to keep peace, how conflicts can be resolved and how to keep it that way. This books helps young readers to understand that people are different from the way they look to some of the activities that they participate in. We as people have to respect others no matter who they are and keep the peace.
The Colors of Us by: Karen Katz Lena is a 7 year old adopted girl. She wants to paint a picture of herself using brown paint. So her mother, an artist, decides to take her on a walk through the neighborhood to show her that people come in many different shades. While on the walk Lena’s mother compares everyone she sees to a food. Some people are the color of cinnamon and honey, while others are the color of pizza crust and chocolate. After the walk Lena recognizes that people come in many different shades and that diversity surrounds then.
All the Colors of the Earth by: Sheila Hamanaka This is a poetic picture book that celebrates the diversity of the worlds ethnic heritage. Shows that we all should love each other no matter what color we are because love has no color. Also describes children's’ skin tones and hair and compares it to the natural beauties of the Earth.
Bein’ With You This Way by: W. Nikola-Lisa A rap-style poem based book about a group of children from different races playing outside on the playground. While at play they begin to notice the differences and similarities amongst each other. This book helps to introduce children to the fact that everyone is different and yet the same. Even though we are all unique at the end of the day we are all human.