What is Communication Communication is the activity of conveying meaningful information. It requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the sender and provides the feedback.
Barriers to Communication No matter how good the communication system in an organization is, unfortunately barriers can and do often occur. These barriers are those which make the message doubtful for the reader to understand it and they get confuse to interpret the meaning for which the message is sent to them.
Physical Barriers The major physical barriers are: Time Place Noise Space Some of them are easy to Alter whereas, some may prove to be tough obstacles in the process of effective communication.
Time Time has an important role in a communication process. Do we not often hear expressions such as “timely caution”, “timely advice?”. These expressions indicate the role of time as a factor in communication.
Place The place or the location where a communication process takes place can degenerate into a barrier to effective communication.
Noise Noise is a physical barrier to effective communication. Noise may have its origin from an external source or may exist even in the communication loop.
Space Closed office doors, barrier screens and separate areas for people of different status results in creating a barrier to effective communication.
How to Overcome Physical Barriers ???
Perceptual Barriers We all see the world differently ! We all have our own preferences, values, attitudes, origins and life experiences that act as ‘filters’ on our experiences of people, events and information.
Types of Perceptual Barriers Difference in Understanding
Difference in Perception of Reality
Differences in Values, Attitudes and Opinions
How To Overcome Perceptual Barriers?
Solution !!! Start by listening to others. Clarify if there is confusion. Stay calm and be positive. An attitude of good will and tolerance toward others goes a long way--even if you miscommunicate or do not like another's words or actions.
Emotional Barriers The emotional state may influence your capacity to make yourself understood and hamper your understanding of others. Many times, emotional barriers on your part or the part of the person you are speaking with may inhibit your ability to communicate on an effective level.
How To Overcome Emotional Barriers ???
Solution !!! Be aware of the feelings that arise in yourself and in others as you communicate, and attempt to control them.
Cultural Barriers Cultures provide people ways of thinking--ways of seeing, hearing, and interpreting the world. Thus the same words can mean different things to people from different cultures, even when they talk the "same" language.
Each culture has its own rules about proper behavior which affect verbal and nonverbal communication. Whether one looks the other person in the eye-or not; how close the people stand to each other when they are talking; etc--all of these and many more are rules of politeness which differ from culture to culture.
How to Overcome Cultural Barriers ???
Solution !!! Help may be needed through a cross cultural consultant who will show teams and individuals how to manage communication and work together more cohesively and productively.
Language Barriers Inability to converse in a language that is known by both the sender and receiver is the greatest barrier to effective communication. When a person uses inappropriate words while conversing or writing, it could lead to misunderstanding between the sender and a receiver.
How to Overcome Language Barriers ???
Solution !!! Learn the language Hire an interpreter Carry a translating dictionary Instead of trying to communicate with hand signs and offend them, research some different signs that mean something polite and respectful
Gender Barriers This barrier arises because men and women have different ways of thinking and communication.
How To Overcome Gender Barriers???
Solution !!! The process of bridging the gap in gender communication requires a great deal of patience and understanding that only time and attention will teach.
CONCLUSION Working on improving your communications is a broad-brush activity. You have to change your thoughts, your feelings, and your physical connections. That way, you can break down the barriers that get in your way and start building relationships that really work.
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Activity - Ongoing Telephone This game is designed to improve people’s skills in both listening and speaking. It is a somewhat old game that is still quite effective today. Many people may remember playing this game as a young child in school, as teachers often use it to show how gossiping and not listening can be harmful. However, this game can be very effective for families and employees as well. The first person in the game must simply choose a phrase and quietly whisper it in the next person’s ear. That person will then whisper the phrase to the next person and so on until they reach the last person in the group.
Activity - Ongoing Telephone Once the last person has listened to the phrase, each person must write down what they thought they heard. The group will then be able to see how much the phrase changed as it was passed down the line. This game shows people the importance of getting information from the initial source rather than from other people.
https://books. google. co. in/books https://books.google.co.in/books?id=7CFc75FEZ_IC&pg=PA182&lpg=PA182&dq=communication+barriers+games&source=bl&ots=GjEMeleSVl&sig=WSawiERATfnSb_l42rAPB0yxO_E&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwil7djQ8ajVAhUBrJQKHaP4AYgQ6AEIUzAH#v=onepage&q=communication%20barriers%20games&f=false In this link, the second activity called washing the elephant would good for barriers to communication or you can choose any activity related to the topic.