Secondary pests associated with Melanaphis sacchari in Kansas sorghum J.P. Michaud Kansas State University Sorghum – Sugarcane Aphid Research Exchange Meeting Dallas, TX January 3 – 4, 2017
Introduction A number of hemipteran pests can damage ripening grain sorghum in Kansas Chinch bug, Blissus leucopterus 2 generations per year (3?) False chinch bug, Nysius rafanus Tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris 3-4 generations (5?) Mainly late-instars and adults feeding on milk-stage grain Until 2015, these pests normally caused only isolated problems
Dusky sap beetles were also present in 2016 (feeding behind panicle sheaths on emerging heads) Short wing covers Clubbed antennae 4 – 5 mm These insects are known to damage a range of ripening fruit and vegetables, including corn and sorghum in soft stages
Chinch Bugs Formerly, a problem restricted to eastern Kansas Most concern was for sorghum planted next to wheat - at risk for 1st generation nymphs
2nd generation chinch bugs can lay eggs in panicle sheaths Female fecundity is known to vary greatly as a function of host plant quality...
Greenbugs and corn leaf aphids are escaping control Corn leaf aphids colonizing flag leaves and entering panicles Flower sterility