EXAMPLE SCIENCE FAIR DIGITAL BOARD Old Faithful The science behind the soda and candy reaction **NOTE: This is NOT an acceptable Science Fair Project Topic EXAMPLE SCIENCE FAIR DIGITAL BOARD
Question Does the type of soda impact the size of the soda geyser?
Abstract As seen in popular culture, soda and Mentos creates a instantaneous chemical reaction. The experiment was to determine which type of soda best reacted with the Mentos. To determine the best type, both time length of reaction and amount of soda remaining were tested. The hypothesis that diet coke would produce the best reaction was supported by both the greatest reaction time and least amount of soda remaining.
Hypothesis If diet coke is used as the soda in the experiment, then the size of the geyser will be the greatest because of the chemical properties of diet coke and Mentos.
Materials 2 Liter bottles of soda ( Diet Coke, Diet Coke with Lime, Diet Pepsi, Fruit, Green Apple, and Sprite) Mint Mentos Stopwatch Graduated Cylinder Safety Goggles
Procedure Wear Safety Goggles Place 6 Mentos into the Geyser tube and attach to the bottle of soda Pull the holding pin Time the reaction from when the pin is pulled to when there is no more fizzing Measure how much soda is left in the bottle Record data Repeat for each type and trials
Procedure Independent variable: Type of soda Dependent variables: Reaction time and amount of soda left in bottle Control: Standard Diet Coke with mint Mentos
Experimental Pictures
Results: Reaction time Soda Reaction Time (seconds) Diet Coke 6.48 Sprite 6.85 Diet Coke (Lime) 5.97 Diet Pepsi 6.05
Results: Remaining Soda Soda Left in Bottle (mL) Diet Coke 560 Sprite 710 Diet Coke (Lime) 570 Diet Pepsi 650
Graph: Reaction Time Time (Seconds) Type of Soda
Graph: Remaining Soda Amount of Soda Remaining (mL) Type of Soda
Conclusion The control (Diet coke with mint mentos) had the best reaction, followed closely by Diet Coke with Lime. The worst reaction was the Sprite. The amount left in the bottle was primarily used to determine the quality of the reaction, because the least amount of remaining soda meant the reaction was more successful. Based on this data, the hypothesis that Diet Coke would work the best was
Works Cited Erupting Diet Coke with Mentos http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bring-science-home-coke-mentos/ The Chemistry of Diet Coke http://www.chemistryislife.com/the-chemistry-of-diet-coke