Marketing RtI to Stakeholders
Guidelines for Designing Professional Development Identify the stakeholders (audience) Teachers Administrators Who is your audience
Beliefs and Attitudes Successful implementation of a new skill requires: An understanding of why the practice is needed (problem identification) A belief that you have or can acquire the skills needed to implement the practice successfully (efficacy) Adapted from : Center for Educational Networking “FOCUS on Results”
Guidelines for Designing Professional Development Set a purpose (what you want to accomplish) Based on the needs of your audience Knowledge Skills Identify patterns in needs Prioritize needs
Transfer of New Skills into Practice (remember the cone) 5% Theory only 10% Theory plus demonstration 20% Theory, demonstration & practice within the training 25% Theory, demonstration, practice within the training & feedback 90% Theory, demonstration, practice, feedback & coaching (Dr. Bruce Joyce, “Staff Development Awareness conference,” Columbia, SC, 1987)
Guidelines for Designing Professional Development Determine appropriate & most effective delivery models In-service day/workshop - on-site Professional learning communities Videoconferences
Guidelines for Designing Professional Development Identify key personnel for delivery of staff development Building level team members Other in-house practitioners Outside presenters
Guidelines for Designing Professional Development Determine steps to ensure on-going support for and maintenance of the RtI process/skills Walk-throughs Coaches
Guidelines for Designing Professional Development Determine a time-line for delivery of this professional development ____ by June 30th ____ by October 15th ____ by January 1 Calendar
Action Planning for Professional Development