Skyline Elementary School Welcome to the Table Empowering students as leaders Session #5 Skyline Elementary School
Meet the Skyline Family Principal: Mr. Chuck Vilardi Educators: Ms. Colleen McCarthy, Dr. Beth Williamson, Mr. Jhonathan Taveras, and Mr. Justin Ashley
The Appetizer The flavor of Skyline Elementary School Embed video of student walking around campus pointing out a few key locations <3 minutes
Moving from a Four-Star to a Five-Star Restaurant Vilardi’s Vision Educators Perspective
Today’s Menu Increase your knowledge of how to build a lasting culture Learn to write mission statements with classroom, teacher, and student focus Inspire student leadership teams and give back to the community
What is the most important part of your school? Culture Academics Leadership
The Main Course Leadership Academics Culture
Leadership Embed video of clips from our leadership day in which students spoke in front of hundreds of people <2 minutes
The Dessert Embed video of Skyline alumni speaking of what she learned while in Elementary school and still applies to her daily life. <3 minutes
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