Good Morning! Please be seated at your group table Have everything put away Get your mental gears going!
Today We are going to begin our literature circles next class, so today will be dedicated to book selection You are going to sample a variety of books through looking at their back covers and watching the trailers You and your group will decide which ones you add to your menu It is here that I would be passing the menus out and asking the students to lightly unfold them to briefly go through each panel with them.
Literature circle book tasting! Thank you for giving each book a “taste”! Take a moment to think about it, then number your top three choices. One of these will be the book you receive for our literature circles! Your Favorite Dishes 1. 2. 3.
Back of paper Appetizer Category ______________ At your table, watch the different book trailers. After watching them all, write down your top two choices below, with a key word or phrase as to why you picked each book. Main Course Desserts
Planning your order On each desk, there is a card with a book category written on it. From your seats, you and your group need to look at the categories placed about the room and decide on the three that you will be visiting today. Write these beneath the smurf on the front cover. I will come around and give you the order you will be going in! At this point, I will tell the students which of their categories they will put in the appetizer spot, dinner spot, and dessert spot. This will be done as each group comes to a consensus.
Each course When I give you the OK, you will go to your appetizer category, then dinner, then dessert. At each table there is a stack of books and a laptop. - watch the book trailers that are linked through in the power point pulled up on the laptop. - When finished, peruse the books on the table and come to a group consensus about the two books you all are choosing for that category. The italicized words are words that are higher vocab. I sporadically place these in all lesson power points, and I do take time to stop and ask if they possible know the words, then tell them the definitions if they don’t know.
Picture of book cover here Book Title Picture of book cover here Link to book trailer OR the book summary if there is no trailer “This is a sample of the slides that you will find in the power points for the different categories. You should be able to click on the links, but if not, then please raise your hand and wait for me to come over to find a solution. Not all books had book trailers, but I have provided a summary for those that did not.” “Okay, for each category you will have 8 minutes, so you don’t have to watch the entirety of each trailer, and be weary of your time to write your responses!” “I look forward to see your choices!”
Reminder Write your group’s overall TOP THREE CHOICES on the back of your menus. Next class, I will have your books for you!