Formative assessment to increase student confidence and attainment


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Presentation transcript:

Formative assessment to increase student confidence and attainment Oriola Sallavaci

How to improve student perceptions of the appropriateness, timeliness and quality of assessment and feedback? Formative assessment: an excellent opportunity for students to enhance their understanding of the module and the summative assessment criteria, put their knowledge in practice, receive feedback, become more confident and improve their final performance.

2nd year Criminal law students 2010-2013 Introduction of 2 formative assessments (one each term): problem question coursework and mock exam Student participation increased significantly: 2010-2011: 12% of the students attempted 2011-2012: 48% the formative assessments 2012-2013: 73% Student final results were higher: 2011: 5% first 9% fail 2013: 12%first 5% fail

Module evaluation survey “The formative assessment was very valuable but more importantly the feedback of results on an individual basis was appreciated.” “The inclusion of exam questions in the mock exam most definitely gives an insight into the type of questions that we can expect but also the opportunity to practice after revision.” “The best aspect of this module was to sit mock exams; this was very useful for revision.” “The best aspect of this module was the formative coursework which alongside the method of lecturing and explanations with examples gave me a chance to get a good result” “Doing the formative assessment built my confidence for the summative coursework” “The formative coursework helped me to look more carefully at offences which I assumed I knew quite well and learn how to approach problem questions” “The individual feedback on the formative coursework helped me understand the offences better and improve my work” “The outline answers for the mock exam were of great help as I could compare my work and understand where I had gone wrong”.

Reasons for greater student participation and success: A clear straightforward link between formative assessments and the summative ones in terms of content and assessment criteria; Explain to the students the importance of attempting the formative work Remind and encourage students to participate Provide detailed individual feedback (oral and written) addressing specific issues within each students’ work Incorporate individual and general feedback sessions within the teaching sessions (where practicable peer feedback) Allow sufficient time for the formative work itself and between formative and summative assessment