Welcome to the Centennial Class of 2020 Freshman Parent Grade Level Conference
Your Counselors: Mrs. Grover A – Chi Mr. Godinez Chj - Ge
Your Counselors: Mrs. Finney Gf – K Mrs. Jaime L - Nan
Your Counselors: Ms. Creeden Nao - Rod Mrs. Thompson Roe – Van
Your Counselors: Mr. Gomez Vao – Z and Puente Ms. Grothem Safety & Violence Prevention Counselor
How to See Your Counselor Go to the Counseling Center, Room 301 Complete the yellow Appointment Card Helpful Hints: * Write clearly * Complete both sides * Be SPECIFIC * Be patient
Earning Credits You earn 5 credits for each PASSED class (A, B, C, D are passing grades. F’s are NOT passing grades) Therefore, 5 credits x 6 classes = 30 credits per semester.
Post Graduation Plans 4 year Colleges/Universities California Community College Vocational/Technical/Business Schools Military World of Work
9th 10th 11th 12th High School Graduation Community College/Military/Work 9th Language Arts 1A/1B Integrated Math 1 or Integrated Math 2 Natural Science PE Health/Success For High School Elective/Visual or Performing Art 10th Language Arts 2A/2B Integrated Math 2 or Integrated Math 3 Biology World History Elective 11th Language Arts 3A/3B U.S. History Science Elective 12th CSU Expository Reading and Writing A/B Government/Econ.
FOUR YEAR PLAN A-G University Plan 9th Language Arts 1A/1B Integrated Math 1 or Integrated Math 2 Natural Science or Biology Honors PE Health/Success For High School Foreign Language/ Visual/Perform Art 10th Language Arts 2A/2B Integrated Math 2 or Integrated Math 3 World History Biology/Chemistry Foreign Language 11th Language Arts 3A/3B Integrated Math 3 or Advanced Math U.S. History Chemistry or Physics Foreign Language Visual/Performing Art 12th CSU Expository Reading and Writing A/B Advanced Math Government/Econ. Science Foreign Language or any elective class Elective
Get Involved! Clubs Sports Drama Choir Band Leadership Unity
Club Rush – Get Involved! What? A time when students can join a club. All of the clubs at Centennial have a table with information about their club Where? In the quad When? During your lunch on Friday, Sept. 2nd “The more involved you are in high school the more successful in high school you will be.” --Centennial High School Counseling Department
The Semester System Qtr 1 + Qtr 2 = Semester 1 Only Semester Grades are on transcripts All Semester grades remain on transcripts
Concerns If you have concerns regarding your child’s progress in class such as his/her grades - below are the steps toward resolution: Always contact the teacher first If the situation has not resolved then contact the counselor for further guidance.
Report Card Dates 2016-2017 1st Qtr – 8/10 - 10/7 Progress reports mailed home – 10/17 2nd Qtr – 10/10 – 12/15 End of 1st Semester Report Cards mailed home – 12/27 3rd Qtr – 1/9 – 3/10 Progress reports mailed home – 3/20 4th Qtr – 3/13 – 6/2 End of 2nd Semester Report Cards mailed home – 6/13
The HUSKY APP is HERE! Find it in your app store: Cen10Huskies User friendly for parents and students Upcoming event information Bell schedule and contact information School Spirit Selfies!