HistoryBook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Phillis Wheatley Logout


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Presentation transcript:

HistoryBook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Phillis Wheatley Logout Phillis Wheatley to all the haters that think I have adopted a “white voice” you are wrong, for I am just fortunate for what I have learned and what I did to become what I have. I have not abandoned my race, for all who think I did, I am simply establishing credibility to my poems. So if anything I am helping my race. Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Phillis (16) Phillis Wheatley I have not been on in a while because of my husband Johns imprisonment. Any tips on how to get out of debt? Thank you all for your support. November 15, 1784 Send Phillis a message Poke Phillis Information Phillis Wheatley Free at last! I have officially been freed from slavery . I would like to thank the Wheatley's for giving me the opportunity to become what I have  1778 Birthday: December 5th, 1753 Hometown: Gambia, Africa to Phillis Wheatley I thank you most sincerely for your polite notice of me, in the elegant Lines you enclosed. If you are ever in Cambridge or near Head Quarters I shall be happy to see you in person. George Washington March 14, 1776 Phillis Wheatley To my Mistress: Thank you for standing by me through all of my life and giving me he chance to create my poetry. You will be missed. R.I.P October 18, 1773 Friends John Peters to Phillis Wheatley It is okay, we will make it through our infants death,all we can do is hope for we are only human, I love you <3 October 1, 1963 George W. Selina .H John T. Phillis Wheatley On Messrs, Hussey and Coffin Is officially published. Me, the first African-American to have published poetry, who would've thought? 1767 John H. John P. Charles 1

HistoryBook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Phillis Wheatley Logout Phillis Wheatley to all the haters that think I have adopted a “white voice” you are wrong, for I am just fortunate for what I have learned and what I did to become what I have. I have not abandoned my race, for all who think I did, I am simply establishing credibility to my poems. So if anything I am helping my race. Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Sex: Female Birthday: December 5, 1753 Hometown: Gambia, Africa Relationship Status: Married to John Peters View photos of Phillis 16) Send JFK a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: Reading, Writing Interests: Singing, Poetry, Reading Favorite Music: Mozart, John Dickinson Favorite Books: The Woman of Honour, La Princesse de Babylone Information Birthday: December 5, 1753 Hometown: Gambia, Africa Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: Not available Phone Number: Not available Profile Picture Updated last Tuesday My poems Updated two months ago 2

HistoryBook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Phillis Wheatley Logout Phillis Wheatley to all the haters that think I have adopted a “white voice” you are wrong, for I am just fortunate for what I have learned and what I did to become what I have. I have not abandoned my race, for all who think I did, I am simply establishing credibility to my poems. So if anything I am helping my race. Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of Phillis 3 Photos Phyllis Albums 2 Photo Alums 11 photos My poems 2 photos Profile Pictures 3