Lecture 31
New Model of Career Advancement
Background New model of career advancement Talked about good work habits. Main objective is career development. Good work habits are needed for the success of your career. Alternative model of developing your career. Change has created new environment and new environment demand new skills and new strategies for career development. Globalization and change at level.
New Model of Career Advancement New model of career advancement describes many methods of advancing one’s career including suggestions for dealing with hidden barriers to advancement. The suggestions should help the person achieve career portability, the ability to move from one employer to another when necessary. Career advancement has acquired a shift in emphasis in recent years to accommodate the new organization structures. The key components of the new model of career advancement are as follows: Career portability: More emphasis on horizontal growth, with a focus on new learning. Change in environment. More emphasis on temporary leadership assignments. Climbing the ladder of self-fulfillment, or finding work that is self-fulfilling. Being promoted as much for learn-how as know-how. (Learn-how is the capability to learn) learning ability is more important than present skills.
Quiz Career development activities inevitably include answering some penetrating questions about yourself, such as the 13 questions that follow. You may need several hours to do a competent job answering these questions. After individuals have answered these questions about themselves, it may be profitable to hold a class discussion about the relevance of the specific questions. Examine your answers in several years to see (1) how well you are doing in advancing your career and (2) how much you have changed. Keep the following information in mind in answering this inventory. People are generous in their self-evaluations when they answer career development inventories. So you might want to discuss some of your answers with somebody else who knows you well.
Human Relations Self- Assessment The Career Development Inventory How would you describe yourself as a person? How would you describe yourself as a technical person? What are you best at doing? Worst? What are your two biggest strengths or assets? What skills and knowledge will you need to acquire to reach your goals? What are your two biggest accomplishments? Write your obituary (short biography at death) as you would like it to appear. What would be the ideal job for your? What career advice can you give yourself? Describe the two peak work-related experiences in your life. What are your five most important values (the things in life most important to you)? What goals in life are you trying to achieve? What do you see as your niche (sport where you best fit) in the modern world?