Copyright © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association From: Cerebral Averaged Potentials Preceding Oral Movement J Speech Hear Res. 1991;34(6):1387-1396. doi:10.1044/jshr.3406.1387 Legend: Averaged EEG and EMG potentials for the finger movement task (left column) and the oral movement task (right column), from 3 representative subjects. For each subject, the figure displays averaged EEG recordings taken over the cranial vertex (Cz), left motor strip (C3′ for the finger task, F3′ for the oral task), right motor strip (C4′ for the finger task, F4Ȳ for the oral task), and digital subtraction of right from left; and the averaged rectified EMG recorded at the right forearm for the finger task and at the right and left sides of the upper lip for the oral task. The time scale, in ms, includes measurement periods A (210–190 ms pretrigger), B (80–60 ms pretrigger), and C (20 ms pretrigger to the trigger point). Note the difference in the voltage scales for the EEG waveforms and the EMG waveforms. Date of download: 11/6/2017 Copyright © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association