UK HSCIC Clinical Classification Service and IHTSDO Collaboration Agreement Report Kathy Giannangelo, IHTSDO Hazel Brear, UK Clinical Classification Service
Introduction Purpose Goals Two phases Phase one: February – June Questionnaire to identify lessons learned Lessons learned incorporated into phase two Phase two: July – December
Outcomes Phase one Phase two Overall goals were met 74% concordance rate Decision to continue Phase two Overall goals met 85% concordance rate Moving to a formal MOU
Benefits of the Collaboration Shared between IHTSDO and UK HSCIC Avoids duplication of effort Improved quality of maps Greater understanding of the different use cases by both IHTSDO and CCS Mapping Service Teams.
Benefits of the Collaboration IHTSDO benefits Proof of concept for collaborative working between Members and the IHTSDO Content Mapping Service Positive Member relations opportunity Increased accountability as quality review provided output of internationally validated maps
Benefits of the Collaboration UK Clinical Classification Service benefits CCS was able to spread authoring of maps for new SNOMED CT International content over 5 months i.e. July to October Dual blind mapping ensured issues were highlighted, root causes identified and solutions agreed collaboratively always keeping in mind the need for continuous improvement to aid consistency and reproducibility UK team were able to ‘try out’ the IHTSDO mapping tool which is open source and is currently being reviewed and tested by the technical development team as a potential solution requirement for a new mapping tool
Recommendation Three options were considered Don’t take the collaboration forward Continue with informal collaborative working Take the collaboration forward formally
Current Status Collaborative mapping continuing for the 31 July 2016 IHTSDO and UK Clinical Classification Service working towards turning the informal agreement into a MOU