September 2016 Science Opportunities ESC Region 13 September 2016 Science Opportunities 9/13/2016 (FA1634641) STAAR-Ready Science: Just In Time PD for Teaching Matter The STAAR-Ready Science: Just In Time PD series is designed for timely professional development to help you plan rigorous TEKS-aligned instruction for Grades 3-5. This session will provide strategies, activities, and vocabulary. (This workshop supports the T-TESS dimensions for the Planning and Instruction Domains.) 9/15/20156 (FA1634523) Science Leadership Network The Science Leadership Network is a FREE PD opportunity that provides administrators and teacher leaders in the field of science with TEA updates, strategy spotlights, and networking time. 9/20/2016 (FA1634852) Biology STAAR Science: Strategies for Teaching Cell Structure and Function In this timely professional development, you’ll explore activities to promote hands-on learning while embedding critical thinking connections to reinforce key concepts for STAAR readiness. In addition, we will address T-TESS components relating to instructional planning and delivery, quality of the design and execution of lessons 9/27/2016 (FA1634854) Middle School STAAR Science: Strategies for Teaching Matter and Energy If you teach Grades 6-8, this is your opportunity to unpack the TEKS, discover activities and differentiation strategies to meet the needs of all learners, and explore vertical alignment from Grades 6-8. We will also address T-TESS components for instructional planning and delivery, quality of the design and execution of lessons, and collaboration with other educational professionals. 9/28/2016 (FA1634475) Science Distinguished Speaker Series featuring Emily Morgan Join us for this session featuring Emily Morgan, author of the Picture-Perfect Science series and Next Time You See books for an in-depth look at on implementing literature connections, 5E lesson ideas, vocabulary development and science learning. Register online with Region 13 E-Campus: 512-919-5219 or 512-919-5456; or email