CMS Web Interface Kickoff POM ACO Online Meeting
Agenda Introduction Web Repository and Timeline Review Training and Information- Sharing Events Beneficiary Sample File and QRO Provider Contact Sheet Quality Measures Reference Guide and Paper Forms Introduce myself and Cana. Take attendance and note on meeting notice
Web Repository and Timeline Review
CMS Quality Reporting Web Interface URL: Web Repository Review Setting up abstractor access documentation can be used. Overview the access process. If you already have access, go into the portal and log in to see if your password Will go over it in November with all the abstractors
Tentative dates due to CMS not publishing the dates. Pre-Abstraction Calendar Tentative dates due to CMS not publishing the dates. Date Item Note 10/18/2017 Meet Online: CMS Web Interface Kickoff QRO Abstractor Contacts, Abstractors 11/1/2017 Email: 2017 Kickoff Message Board, Ops & Fin, CMOC, QRO Abstractor Contacts, Abstractors 11/6/2017 Determine which QROs will be submitting scores via XML 12/6/2017 In-Person Training in Lansing from 9:30-2:30. Invites sent out after the 10/18/2017 Meeting 1/2/2018 [TENTATIVE] Beneficiary Sample Available Download patient sample then send to QROs, who can then begin pulling records. Tool not available yet for uploading. 1/9/2018 [TENTATIVE] CMS Web Interface Reporting Tool Training Session from 10:00-noon. Online meeting so abstractors can experience the tool via their computer and network. CMS Web Interface Training Version will be available from 1/8/2018-1/12/2018 Timeline Review Getting ahead of the game Dates are tentative
Tentative dates due to CMS not publishing the dates. Abstraction Calendar Tentative dates due to CMS not publishing the dates. Date Item Note 1/16/2018 [TENTATIVE] Tool Live and abstraction begins Due to XML uploading, POM ACO abstraction access to the tool will wait until January 17th or 18th. 2/9/2018 [TENTATIVE] 50% Submission Goal The end of the 5th week of abstraction 2/23/2018 [TENTATIVE] 100% Submission Goal The end of the 8th week of abstraction 3/12/2018 [TENTATIVE] “Completeness” Activities POM ACO will review that all patients have been abstracted following the expectations, including skips, and notify the QROs which beneficiary records must be reviewed. Please note that throughout the abstraction period, “lookback double-checks” will be sent to the QROs. 3/21/2018 [TENTATIVE] Submit Data All abstraction activities will be completed by end of day. The submission button will be pressed! 3/23/2018 [TENTATIVE] Tool Closes at 8:00 PM
Manual abstraction will still be needed for each beneficiary. XML Option Available If the QRO is interested, they will be told how at the Wednesday, October 18th meeting. The CMS Web Interface can use Extensible Markup Language (XML) files to update data automatically. Using the CMS Web Interface XML schema, the QRO exports data from their EHR for the beneficiaries identified from the CMS patient sample. The QRO securely sends it to POM ACO, who uploads The XML files into the CMS Web Interface. When the QRO’s abstractors use the tool the uploaded data will appear. NOTE! Manual abstraction will still be needed for each beneficiary. Messaging about it at the beginning of November
Beneficiary Sample File and QRO Provider Contact Sheet
Beneficiary Sample File Medicare ID Name Birth Date Rank Status CARE-2 Confirmed Provider Name 1 Provider Name 2 Provider Name 3 QRO Clinic ID (Provider 1 TIN) Clinic Name (Provider 1 TIN Name) 999999225A John Doe xx/x/xxxx 18 Complete Yes Provider X TIN5 999999445A 19 Provider Y TIN4 999999596A 22 Provider Z TIN3 999999902A 23 TIN1
The CMS Web Interface View Patient List QRO Contact Sheet The CMS Web Interface View Location Patient Information Provider Information
QRO Provider Contact Sheet QRO Contact Sheet Provider Name Clinic ID Clinic Name QRO Contact Name Contact Email Doctor One 976854321 Clinic Name 1 UM Cana Howard Doctor Two 987654321 Clinic Name 2 IHA Melissa Bolt Doctor Three 912345678 Clinic Name 3 AHPO Joan Kirk Doctor Four 934567812 Clinic Name 4 WCM Beth Oberhaus
Quality Measures Reference Guide and Paper Forms
Paper-based tool for abstraction PY 2017 Quality Measures Reference Guide Paper-based tool for abstraction Abstraction work flow Lists each measure’s exclusions For each measure: Description Exclusions definitions of terms used in the measure, and data guidance
A standard and uniform Abstraction Please Adhere to Standards A standard and uniform Abstraction The December 6, 2017, training session will extensively review the reference guide. This is mandated to protect ourselves from audit. If done correctly, if audited, we will be able to go directly to the source in question. This will be reviewed at the training session as well.
Training and Support Activities Date & Time Activity Venue Wednesday, October 18, 2017: 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Preview abstractor “cheat sheet” and expectations Preview QRO contact sheet Review timeline Review web repository Online Wednesday, December 6, 2017: 8:30 AM-2:30 PM Review of each measure, tips on how to abstract, and discuss documentation expectations Lansing Tuesday, January 9, 2018: 10:00 AM-noon [TENTATIVE] CMS Web Interface Reporting Tool Training Session: review each screen, share tips, and discuss (inevitable) system problem handling Friday, January 19-March 23, 2018: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM CMS Web Interface Reporting Weekly Q&A Session: share issues and tips
Questions? Project Lead: James Malayang, Sr. Project Manager Email: Office: 734-232-1478 Fax:734-232-1480 Mobile: 734-678-7185 Lead Abstractor: Cana Howard, MSN, RN, Performance Improvement Coordinator Email: Office: 734-615-8892 Fax: 734-615-4849