Review: Chapter 5: Syntax directed translation Syntax directed translation and definition Synthesized/inherited attributes. S-attributed definitions and L-attributed definitions. Syntax directed definitions for implementing a calculator, building a tree. Chapter 6: Type checking Syntax directed definition for simple type checking system Type equivalence: name or structure Type conversion and polymorphic functions
Chapter 7: Runtime Environment Run time memory organization. Activation record, fields in an activation record Memory allocation strategies: static, stack and heap, advantages and limitations. Calling sequence/return sequence Access non-local variables: sp, access link and display Parameter passing: Call by value, call by reference and copy-restore
Chapter 8: intermediate code generation Assignment statement Array and record Boolean expression Jumping code Flow of control statements (if, while) Declaration Building symbol table Backpatching Syntax directed definition code generation
Final: Thursday 12:30-2:30 Scope Tuesday Final week (April 22) Before midterm 25% After midterm 75% Tuesday Final week (April 22)