The Oasis Empowerment Center Human Trafficking 101 The Oasis Empowerment Center
An Introduction My Background
What is Human Trafficking? U.N. Global Initiative to Fight HT estimated that annual profits from trafficking, forced labor around $31.6 billion. To put that in perspective that more than nike, google, and starbucks combined It is the 2nd largest criminal industry in the world What is Human Trafficking? President Barack Obama
History of the Definition International: The Palermo Protocol National: The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) State Laws: All 50 U.S. states and minor outlying islands have their own laws. Trickle down effect… Guam is a little bit behind. Still working on data collection, very few places for survivors, hardly any prosecutions, regulation
Trafficking Victims Protection Act Labor Trafficking: The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. Sex Trafficking: The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of a person for a commercial sex act, in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age.
The A-M-P Model Action Recruits Harbors Transports Provides Obtains Or so attempts Means Force Fraud Coercion Purpose Commercial sex acts Labor Services
Sex Trafficking of Minors FORCE, FRAUD, AND COERCION are not required for minors induced into commercial sex acts. Action Recruits Harbors Transports Provides Obtains Or so attempts Purpose Commercial Sex Acts
MEANS Force Fraud Coercion Physical assault Sexual assault, rape Physical confinement or isolation Force Fraudulent employment offers False promises about work and living conditions Withholding wages Fraud Threats to life, safety, family members or others Threats of deportation or arrest Debt bondage Withholding legal documents Psychological manipulation Coercion
Purpose Commercial Sex Acts Labor or Services OR
QUIZ TIME! Q: Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits slavery? Q: What was the average price of a slave in the United States in 1860, in today’s money? $100, $1,000, $10,000, or $100,000 Q: What is the average price of a slave in the world today? Q: How many people are believed to be enslaved?
Q: How many times is that the number of slaves in the world compared to when the American Civil War started in 1860? 2xs, 3xs, or 4xs Q: About what percentage of recruiters for human trafficking are men? 25 percent, 55 percent, or 80 percent Q: In Guam & other U.S. states, are adult and child sex trafficking survivors/ victims liable to criminal charges as prostitutes? Q: Who is the musical artist whose video “Bad Romance” portrays him or her trafficked by a Russian bathhouse into sex slavery?
Scope of Human Trafficking Worldwide, nearly 27 million people are victims of forced labor [human trafficking] (ILO, 2012)
Temporary Visa Holders/ Undocumented Foreign Nationasl WHO IS VULNERABLE? Victims of Past Violence/ Abuse Financially Vulnerable Runaway and Homeless Youth Temporary Visa Holders/ Undocumented Foreign Nationasl
WHO ARE THE TRAFFICKERS? Traffickers are people who exploit others for profit. Any demographic Individuals and Groups Street Gangs and Organized Crime Businesses or Contractors
Economics 101 The Supply/Demand Model Where there is a demand, there will be a supply Customers fuel the commercial sex industry Businesses and individuals create the demand for labor trafficking Customer Trafficker Victim
Corporations/ Government WHO DEMANDS? Corporations/ Government Small Businesses Households Individuals Low-cost labor & raw materials Low-cost labor Domestic workers Commercial Sex Goods & Services
How To Reduce Demand: Examine your slavery footprint Buy Fair Trade/ Survivor Made Hold your favorite brands accountable Choose not to purchase sex Encourage healthy relationships and respect for women and girls
Where does Sex Trafficking Occur? Street Prostitution Commercial Front & Residential Brothels Pornography & Stripping Escort Services Internet/Web-cam Websites like craigslist or backpage The average in the US for a person to enter into prostitution: 13-14 years old
Prostitution Supply /Demand Model WHO BUYS SEX? Prostitution Supply /Demand Model Victim John Pimp 1 out of every 5 to 6 men in the United States admit to having purchased commercial sex. A study conducted by UIC states that heavier penalties or public shaming would deter Johns. Guam has zero laws against Johns.
Labor Trafficking Agriculture Construction Fisheries Domestic Work Peddling/ Begging Traveling Sales Crews Drug Trafficking
Labor Trafficking vs. Exploitation
Victim Identification: Isolation, Debt, Fear, Guarded/Monitored, Language Barriers, Confinement, Threats to Loved Ones, Shame/ Self blame, No ID/documents, misinformed, hopelessness, debt bondage Pimp/ Boyfriend dynamic:
INDICATORS Signs of physical and/or sexual abuse Not free to leave/come and go as he/she wishes Owes a large debt, unable to pay it off Recruited through false promises Questions to ask: Can you leave your job or situation if you want? Can you come and go as you please? Have you been threatened for trying to leave? Have you been physically harmed in anyway? What are your working/ living conditions like? Where do you sleep/eat? What do you have to do for a roof over your head? Do you sleep in a bed, on a cot, on the floor? Have you been deprived of food, water, sleep, or medical care? Do you have to ask permission to eat, sleep, or go to the bathroom? Are there locks on your doors windows so you can’t get out? Has anyone ever threatened your family? Has your id been taken from you? Is anyone forcing you to do anything you don’t want to do?
Indicators for Minors Numerous school Absences Fake ID/ Lying about age Hotel Room Keys Dating older, abusive, or controlling men Having large amounts of cash, jewelry, new clothes Recurrent stds, pregnancy tests Signs of physical abuse Dissociation Runaways/ LGBTQ Some barriers to ID: typcially watched, escorted, guarded by trafficker May be coached Unaware of what is happening to them (Do not consider themselves victims) Loyalty to trafficker as a coping mechanism Dependency No other options Family Shame
What can you do??? Continue the Dialogue! Educate yourself Look beneath the surface and beyond stereotypes Boycott harmful sites Eliminate Pornography Join a coalition, volunteer, start an organization Don’t glorify pimps Buy fair trade Sponsor public awareness campaigns Screen for potential victims & report concerns Donate $ or Time Awareness Diplays Contact State and Local Representatives Consider helping me to change the laws Attend conferences/ anti- trafficking events
Human Trafficking encompasses every field, background, & major. Career Opportunities United Nations Us Embassy Coalitions Social & Health Non-Profit Academics FBI Lawyer Government Entities CDC, DOL, DOJ, HHS, Customs, TSA Law Enforcement Safe Houses Organizations Translators Victim Advocates Children’s Home Counseling Job Training Non-Profit/ NGO Faith-based Educators Law Makers Business Agriculture Prevention Protection Partnership Prosecution Human Trafficking encompasses every field, background, & major.
Other Resources NHTRC: National Human Trafficking Resource Center The Oasis Empowerment Center Guam Coalition Against Sexual Assault & Family Violence The Red Thread Movement Polaris Project International Justice Mission Free The Slaves Not for Sale Campaign The Better World Shopping Guide Half the Sky United Nation’s Have a Heart Campaign