The secondary school of Bestobe English lesson in the 7th form The teacher of English language Mynbaeva.G
The theme of the lesson: “Living plants”
The type of the lesson: Getting new information visual aids: Level cards, pictures, a textbook, a computer, interactive board. Non standard Methods: competition, playing games, reading The procedure of the lesson: I) . Organization moment II). Brainstorming activity III). ”Can you guess!” IY). Playing game ”The Golden door” Level tasks V). Work with the computer. YI). Conclusion stage
To enrich student’s knowledge about the plants, f l o w e r s. The aims of the lesson To develop their abilities in reading , speaking, listening, and understanding To bring up students to be ecologistes, to teach to understand and Love Nature To enrich student’s knowledge about the plants, f l o w e r s.
Good. Can you guess the key word Good! Can you guess the key word? “Power is in knowledge, knowledge is in ….. What? “Күш білімде,білім...............” неде? (кітапта) Сила в знании,а знания.........?
The system of marking (Giving marks) -excellent - good - passable
Brainstorming Activity:
Living plants Do you know the Kazakh and russian names of the flowers in the pictures? 8
Work with the new words Flower /n/ - [ flauә ] - гүл -цветок Daisy /n/ - [ ‘deizi ] - түймедақ-ромашка Snowdrop /n/ - [ ’snoudrop ] - бәйшешек-подснежник Daffodil /n/ - [ ’daefәdil ] - нәркес-нарцис Tulip /n/ - [ tulip] - қызғалдақ-тюльпан Pleasant /adj/ - [ plezәnt ]-ұнамды, жағымды,сүйкімді To smell- /v/ - [ smel ] -иіскеу,иіс шығару-запах Purple /adj / - [ ‘pә:pl ] -қара қошқыл түс-пурпурный To grow /v/ - [ grou ] -өсу-расти Appear /v/ - [ә’ріә] - көріну, шығу, пайда болу Field /n/ - [ fi:ld ] -егіс.дала-поле Roadside - [roudsaid] - жол бойы, жол жиегі Scent /n/ - [sent] - иіс май,әтір-духи To blossom /v/- [ ‘blosәm ] - гүлдену-расцветать
The rose The rose grows in the gardens. It grows in spring and summer. It’s white, red, purple, pink. It looks beautiful. It smells good. We like the scent. The red rose is the symbol of England. The snowdrop The snowdrop is the flower for January. It is as white as snow, and appears in forests and gardens. When there is still snow there. The little plant is a native flower of Europe. Dandelion The flower got its name in a funny way. Its each leaf looks like a row of teeth. The people of France gave the name “dent de lion” . It means lion’ s teeth. It’s “Dandelion” in English now. Daisy Daisies are spring flowers. It blossom in April. We can see them everywhere in the fields, gardens and even roadsides. It’s white, yellow. Daffodil Daffodil is the flower of the month of March. It appears very early in spring. The flowers are usually white or yellow. The plant has long leaves and a sweet pleasant smell. It’s a favourite flower. Daffodil is the symbol of Wales.
Task-1. Answer the questions choosing the numbers! What flower is the symbol of England? Do you have indoor plants? 40 10 Do you have plants at home? 20 Read and translate: Indoor plants improve the air we breathe/ 30 Say the poem about the flower, Nature What do you know about the cactus? 30
Task -2. Read and divide the words into two groupes a tulip a birch a dandelion a wolf a rhino An elephant Snowdrop a rabbit a fox a monkey a rose a daisy a tiger a daffodil Animals Plants
Level Tasks:
The game”The golden door”
“The simple door” І-level .Find the words. s e r o, g e d r n a, у d a i s, o r i n d o, e m r s u m, w e f o l r , w r g o, n r g e e, L a n p t, R e w a t P r o w d s o n “The simple door”
“The silver door” II- level task. Complete the chart Flowers What colour is it? Where does it grow? When? Name
“The golden door” 1).What flower do you like to…….? III- level tasks. A/. Write the plural form of nouns. Plant- Flower- Daisy- Wolf- Fox- B/. Answer the questions and complete the sentences. 1).What flower do you like to…….? 2).How often do you ….. the flower? 3).What … your favourite flower? C/.Talk to your partner about the flower.
England,Wales,Scotland? Conclusion stage 2 3 6 Name the flowers! Can you guess which flowers are symbols of England,Wales,Scotland? Which of theme are trees? (Redwood, a tulip, a birch,thistle, sunflower) 4 1 5 Name the flower “lion’s teeth” Can the living plants Improve the air? What kind of earliest spring flower do you know?
1.Write a story about your 2.Prepare a poster about a flower. Home task: 1.Write a story about your favourite flower. 2.Prepare a poster about a flower.