Getting the best of the Ig Database Andrew Symes Immunology CNS Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
Run your reports Play around with reports to see which is most useful for you
Run your reports
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Run your reports Know when your deadlines matter and gather your data in advance to avoid panic Year to date only matter in Q4 IVIG 05 good to dig into as if they’ve not had an infusion for a year – either 1) stopped treatment so end treatment episode 2) moved to different hospital 3) RIP Needs someone sufficiently empowered to be able to badger the right people to get clinical outcome measures. Write to clinicians directly, cc their ops manager/directorate and explain why the trust will loose income if they don’t supply correct information. Get the Ig panel chair to back you up
Run your reports
Run your reports
Run your reports Short term Neurology. Who needs follow-ups entering?
Getting the best of the Ig Database Run your reports Things to avoid
Things to avoid
Things to avoid Rheumatology patient
Getting the best of the Ig Database Run your reports Things to avoid Rally the troops - deadlines Scare people with threats Do your exclusions Get as much awareness out there as possible – let teams know when the submission deadlines are in advance Use the Ig panel to exert gentle pressure on your clinicians – get regular outcome measures and make them accessible to the person updating the database Be a harbinger of doom - Involve your operational managers - £1.3 million of potential lost income!!
Do your exclusions Give infusions or manage patient Local hospitals should exclude if not managing condition patient is registered under Report will tell you how many/which patients currently excluded
Do your exclusions
Do your exclusions
Getting the best of the Ig Database Run your reports Things to avoid Rally the troops Scare people with threats Do your exclusions Make out you’re brilliant! The database is important whether anyone else in your trust realises this or not. You probably know more about it than anyone else. Once you’ve got the message out, make sure people know they’ve got you to thank for saving the trust so much money.
Thank you & Happy Christmas