Business Case Driver I: Intervention/Accelerated Learning 11,545 more students meet proficiency per year $12 Million savings in 1st year through intervention/acceleration Costs per students decrease/Student achievement increases Shows the savings that proper intervention can bring to districts. Students’ movement /growth from below grade level to on grade level 300 – Device 500 License 200 PD Impact to CPS (Cohort) 27,294 Students, 47% Below (12,828) 11,545 Students move to “Meets” (90%) Fiscal Impact year 1: $69,271,200 Saved – $12,828 Investment = $56,443,200 year 1 ------------------------------------------ FACTS 2013 ISAT Reading: 170,758 students 52% were Below Meets 71,718 Below (basic knowledge and skills) 17,076 Warning (limited knowledge and skills Students in Below are 1-2 years below grade level Students in Warning are 2+ years below grade level RESEARCH Study 1: The average gain was 2.5 grade levels, where n=300. Study 2: Palm Beach students used iLit for 2 hours in summer school each day and showed 1.8 years of growth in one month of program use. ASSUMPTIONS 90% of students will realize a gain of 2 grade levels in a year (conservative estimate) Average per pupil cost in CPS = $13,000 Cost per On Level Student = $10,000 Cost per Below Level Student = $16,000 Potential Impact to CPS (Single Student Grade 8) Investment : $1,000 : iLit License, Tablet, PD Return: $24,000 : 4 years of “Meets” (Save $6k per HS year, per student)
2013 ISAT Reading: 170,758 students Business Case Driver I: Intervention/Accelerated Learning Study 1: The average gain was 2.5 grade levels, where n=300. 2013 ISAT Reading: 170,758 students 52% were Below Meets 71,718 Below (basic knowledge and skills) 17,076 Warning (limited knowledge and skills Students in Below are 1-2 years below grade level Students in Warning are 2+ years below grade level Study 2: Palm Beach students used iLit for 2 hours in summer school each day and showed 1.8 years of growth in one month of program use. Savings and Achievement through Accelerated Learning Assumptions 90% of students will realize a gain of 2 grade levels in a year (conservative estimate) Average per pupil cost in CPS = $13,000 Cost per On Level Student = $10,000 Cost per Below Level Student = $16,000 Potential Impact to CPS (Single Student Grade 8) Investment : $1,000 : iLit License, Tablet, PD Return: $24,000 : 4 years of “Meets” (Save $6k per HS year, per student) 300 – Device 500 License 200 PD Impact to CPS (Cohort) 27,294 Students, 47% Below (12,828) 11,545 Students move to “Meets” (90%) Fiscal Impact year 1: $69,271,200 Saved – $12,828 Investment = $56,443,200 year 1
$4 Million savings through integrated program procurement Business Case Driver II: Procurement Efficiencies $4 Million savings through integrated program procurement Using integrated programs (vs. piecemeal) reduces the cost of integration, delivering savings Using integrated programs, not piecemeal. It‘s about the savings of buying a system to reduce the cost of integration. FACTS Change of Practice Implement programs and practices that are: Integrated Systemic Scalable Sustainable RESEARCH & ASSUMPTIONS 2014 CPS Budget CPS Budget Highlights 2013 2014 Ending Budget Proposed Budget Office of Academic Learning and Supports $ 102,339,751 $ 89,397,224 Department of Education Tools and Technology $ 9,570,158 $ 2,800,804 Information & Technology Services $ 48,548,723 $ 42,348,636 Office of Professional Learning $ 3,103,308 $ 3,444,609 Talent Office $ 46,756,290 $ 68,560,746 Summary Total $ 210,318,230 $ 206,552,019
Business Case Driver II: Procurement Efficiencies Change of Practice Implement programs and practices that are: Integrated Systemic Scalable Sustainable Benefits: Reduced integration Costs Enterprise Purchasing Potential Rebate System Single Point of Contact and Support 2014 CPS Budget CPS Budget Highlights 2013 2014 Ending Budget Proposed Budget Office of Academic Learning and Supports $ 102,339,751 $ 89,397,224 Department of Education Tools and Technology $ 9,570,158 $ 2,800,804 Information & Technology Services $ 48,548,723 $ 42,348,636 Office of Professional Learning $ 3,103,308 $ 3,444,609 Talent Office $ 46,756,290 $ 68,560,746 Summary Total $ 210,318,230 $ 206,552,019
Business Case Driver III: Teacher Productivity 100+ Hours increase in instructional time per teacher, per year FACTS Personalized Learning Environment Allows for Increased Teacher Productivity: Less time collecting homework Less time collecting and analyzing data Real-time shifts in instructional practice Stronger communication tools RESEARCH Save teachers 2.5-5 hours a week (Average 3 hours a week) ASSUMPTIONS Average Salary: $74,839 ($55.44/hour) 175 Instructional Days; 190 Total 7.5 Hour Day; 37.5 Weeks
Increased Impact of Instructional Time Business Case Driver III: Teacher Productivity Personalized Learning Environment Allows for Increased Teacher Productivity: Less time collecting homework Less time collecting and analyzing data Real-time shifts in instructional practice Stronger communication tools Research Data: Save teachers 2.5-5 hours a week (Average 3 hours a week) Increased Impact of Instructional Time Annual Impact to CPS Over 100 hours of increased instructional time $6,000 in value annually Assumptions Average Salary: $74,839 ($55.44/hour) 175 Instructional Days; 190 Total 7.5 Hour Day; 37.5 Weeks