Welcome to Year Five 13th September 2017
AGENDA Expectations Curriculum Maths Routines
Children in Year 5 are expected to be Polite Ready to listen Organised Lively Kind Hardworking Enthusiastic
English – Writing, Reading and Spoken Language: Writing – Create and shape texts: text structure and organisation. Write in a clear, legible script. Consider word structure and spelling. SPAG Reading – Understand and interpret texts; engage with reading, build up stamina, READ FOR PLEASURE. Spoken Language – Fluency, developing understanding .
You can help your child the most by: Encourage your child to read. Children who read for pleasure are more successful at school. Hearing your child read aloud regularly – sign the reading record. Talk to your child about the book. Making sure your child is a member of the local library. Ensuring that your child knows the meanings of any spelling words that are sent home to learn.
Maths It is essential that children in Year 5 have instant recall of multiplication and division facts up to 12. Children have more confidence with maths if they are really fluent with their tables.
Learning Tables Regular practice – daily Division facts – relationships between numbers Children need to be able to use what they know: 3 x 5 = 15 30 x 5 = 150 30 x 50 = 1500 Division is much easier if you know your tables.
Multiplying by 10, 100, 1000 Children need to be able to multiply and divide by 10, 100, 1000. This really helps when using different units of measure: mm/cm/m/km g/kg ml/L
The Decimal Point The decimal point stays where it is. The digits move to the left when multiplied by 10. The digits move to the right when divided by 10. Multiply by 10: add one zero 100: add two zeros This does not work with a decimal 0.45 x 10 is not 0.450
Topic Work Autumn Term- Medieval Britain including the Magna Carta, based around the book Outlaw. Spring Term- Mountains and Rivers. Summer Term- Victorians based on the book The Street Child.
Throughout the year Mrs Clay will be teaching Science, we will be learning about: The Earth and Beyond Sound States of Matter Circulatory System Life Cycles/Growth
RE Come and See Topics for this term Church Belonging Loving
YEAR 5 ROUTINES Homework: Monday- Maths homework for Wednesday. Tuesday- Spelling homework for Friday. Wednesday- Maths homework for Friday. Friday- Ideas homework for Monday (RE or topic work)
Uniform PE kit needed on Mondays and Fridays. All uniform to be clearly labelled – children are responsible for their own possessions.
Those hidden skills Becoming more responsible for their own learning. Learning to speak to adults about concerns they may have. Learning how to manage emotions – building up resilience, friendship issues. Independence Manners – setting an example.
THANK YOU for coming Any questions?