Dean Mohareb FA National Referee Development Manager Leagues and The National Referee Development Programme Dean Mohareb FA National Referee Development Manager
Aims To share good practice To highlight best practice To provide a close(r) working relationship between Referee Development Officers and Leagues
Why are Leagues important when it comes to refereeing? First point of contact for match officials.... Standard of football Identity/Branding Organisation/Administration/Competition rules Appropriate appointments for match officials Assessment scheme Support and Development
The National Referee Development Programme Following slides run through different stages of programme
TASK In groups I would like you to discuss the following questions and feedback………………. 1) How are the referee appointments completed? 2) What support and development can match officials receive in your League(s)? 3) How do you currently work with County FA RDO(s) and what (if any) support have you received? 4) What, (if anything) would you like an RDO to do to help refereeing in your League?
Some of the things that we can offer? Support for you to ‘pool’ referee appointments Partner League – NRDP Mentoring/Coaching – Raising Standards – WSP Recruitment of the workforce (referees, assessors etc) Training/Development of the workforce (referees, assessors etc) Funding – League Development, National Game Strategy, Whole Sport Plan etc
National Referee Development Programme Monitoring performance Appointments Other stakeholders Monitoring performance Training & Education Referee Development
Any Questions??
Summary NRDP - Partner Leagues Appointments Assessment schemes Support
Finally............ This is where it all begins......................