Single Axis Tracking
Who we are Solar PV mounting structures Group Businesses Tower business Telecom tower Transmission tower Solar PV mounting structures Heavy Engineering Steel tube Mfg Steel re-rolling Food Processing Roller flour mills Bread Mfg Ganges Internationale Pvt Ltd (GIPL) Group turnover of US$180 Mn Group employees over 1500 people having strong domain expertise Plant production capacity - 48000 MT per Yr Production at Pondicherry (India), connected to major port Chennai Leading manufacturer of fabricated and galvanized structures for Solar PV mounting, having State of the Art production facility and galvanizing plant A diverse portfolio focusing on mounting structures, heavy engineering, telecom and food processing with a consolidated turnover of INR 1000+ crores (USD 180 million). GIPL has executed more then 2 Gigawatt of Solar PV projects.
Engineering & Technology Partner- Sunlink Corp. USA Joined hands with Sunlink to bring best Single Axis Tracking solution in India Engineering & Technology Partner- Sunlink Corp. USA Executed more then 2 Gigawatt of Solar PV projects. Developed solar solution for 1GW of projects across USA. Expertise in delivering premium product at a market-leading price Supplied more than 1450 MW of Module Mounting Structures
Why to track sun Energy produced by solar energy system is directly proportional to the incident radiation falling on the modules Sunlight’s "direct beam" carries about 90% of the solar energy Trackers have accuracies of ± 5° can deliver greater than 99.6% of the energy delivered by the direct beam plus 100% of the diffuse light (indirect light). Module efficiency is 14% to 18%, which means only 14-18% of incident light is convertible to useful energy Tracking helps to compensate for the variation in solar radiation due to rotation
Tracking Ideology Tracking increases power generation by 15%- 25% over fixed tilt per DC Watt peak. Initial capex increase will be 8% to 10% of project cost per DC Watt peak. For generation equal to fixed tilt per Watt peak tracking reduces capex by 6% to 8%.
Points to remember while selecting Tracker Tracker parts should be easily available off the shelves. Trackers should be tested for high wind and high snow zones. Tracker should be compatible with irregular & challenging sites. Tracker helps in higher unit generation Units Generated / KWp Deviation in % Fixed Tilt 1685 Seasonal Tracking 1759 4.4% Single Axis Tracking 2008 19.2%
Solar Tracker Solution Innovative tracker system helping in maximizing energy production by providing 15-20% additional power Centralized drive capitalizes on proven hydraulic technology and simplifies the mechanics and maintenance of single axis trackers
Why to choose GIPL tracker GIPL tracker has centralized drive capitalizes on proven hydraulic technology which simplifies the mechanics and maintenance of single axis tracker. Centralized drive means fewer components, therefore less points of failure Utilizing standard hydraulic technology worldwide Adaptable design over a range of environmental conditions Utilize Industrial grade components to design the system Integrated grounding per immediate layout. ETL listed to the UL2703 standard
Tracker savings For Example: To generate 20MW of energy Fixed tilt Capex is = 96.8 Cr (@ Rs. 4.84 Cr.) Single Axis tracker you just need to install only 16.84 MW @ capex of 90.94 Cr. (@ Rs. 5.40 Cr.) Shows Capex is reduced by 6.16 Cr. (6.05 %) O&M for a 20 MW plant can be done @ Rs. 50,000 /MW/Year including spares and consumables. Revenue increase per MW for this site would be 3.2 Lacs KWh @ Rs. 4.95 which works out to Rs. 15.8 Lacs/anum. O&M cost is just 3.1 % of the extra revenue generated.
Comparison for CUF allowed-Karnataka Fixed Tilt SAT CUF allowed 21% 24% Maximum generation as per above CUF 18,39,600 21,02,400 Generation per MW as per Pvsyst 1685000 20,08,000 For 20 MW allocated tender, DC Capacity 21.84 20.94 Cost per MW (Rs. In Lacs) 484 540 Total Capex (Rs. In Cr.) 105 113 Additional investment for SAT (Rs. In Cr.) A 7.40 Revenue in 25 years (Rs. In Cr.) 455 520 Additional revenue (Rs. In Cr.) B 65 Additional O&M for SAT 25 years (Rs. In Cr.) C 5.79 Net additional revenue (Rs. In Cr.) B-A-C 51.86 CUF – Capacity Utilization Factor
Solar Tracking System Installation
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