How might the first and last of those be linked? DIONYSUS god of wine fertility illusion theatre How might the first and last of those be linked?
The Dionysia Took place in the month of Elaphebolion (late March/early April) Lasted four days Both comedies and tragedies were put on. These were judged and the best playwright in each category was declared the winner.
Tragedy For each festival, the eponymous archon would choose three tragedians to present a tetralogy This consisted of three tragedies and a satyr play All four plays dealt with areas of Greek mythology. The chorus of a satyr play consisted of satyrs, goat-like creatures who adore wine and Dionysus. This final play was therefore more explicitly linked to the festival’s worship of that god.
What makes a tragedy? There was a maximum of three actors who had to play all the main speaking parts. In addition to this, there was a chorus of 15 and musical accompaniment in the form of an aulos (flute), kithara (early guitar) and lyre.
What makes a tragedy? The Greek philosopher Aristotle laid down what a Greek tragedy should be like: serious “complete in itself” (i.e. deal with only one issue) it should arouse pity and fear for the main character as they move towards a destructive end it should end with a catharsis (cleansing), a release of the tension that has been building throughout the play.
The tragic plot According to Aristotle, the good tragic plot would have one or both of the following: peripeteia – a reversal of fortunes anagnorisis – a moment of discovery Aristotle believed that Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus was the best tragedy because it contained the perfect combination of these two elements.
The tragic character Aristotle believed that this should be an essentially good person who comes to misfortune through some mistake (hamartia) This is normally because they have a good characteristic (like duty to one’s family or to the city) which is taken to extremes. This leads the tragic hero to commit some horrible deed. Aristotle believed that for this to have the greatest impact it should be committed against a family member.
Be prepared to explain your choice to the rest of the class. TASK In groups, choose a story and explain how it fits Aristotle’s idea of a tragic hero with a tragic plot. How do they demonstrate: peripeteia anagnorisis hamartia? Be prepared to explain your choice to the rest of the class.