Preparations for REF 2020: MDS College Assembly Wednesday 15th June 2016 Ronni Littlewood, Research Planning Partner Dr Joanne Croudace, Research Planning Officer
Headlines Progress on preparations for REF: Annual Review Impact; achievements to date and next steps Outputs Review: Key dates Open access requirements
Impact: Achievements to date College Impact Working Group established to develop and implement College Impact strategy - Chaired by Prof Andrew Ewer Impact leads in place within each Institute, working with research planning partner and officer to identify Impact across MDS Longlist identified across college - 100+ case studies identified - Each case study assessed for potential for impact by REF2020 Shortlist identified for submission to Units of Assessment 1-3 - Represents a spread over each Institute - To be developed for REF2020 submission Pipeline of Impact identified within the college for longer term development
Impact: Achievements to date Wider support for Impact Ongoing analysis of merits of 4* case studies submitted to REF2014 – Units 1-3 Understanding routes to Impact Evaluation Evidencing Impact Use of public engagement Identification of support needed to develop impact Available funding schemes Establishment of a support network for impact; including professional services and external stakeholders Development of workshops to support impact development
Impact: Next Steps Continued development and implementation of College Impact Strategy - Align with Universities new Impact strategy Provision of advice and guidance for developing case studies To raise awareness of the Colleges Impact and celebrate success To introduce the use of PURE for recording Impact To capture ongoing Impacts As a tool for capturing evidence of impact To facilitate drafting of case studies Delivery of Impact workshops An Introduction to Impact Merits of a 4* case study Evaluation and evidencing PURE for Impact
Impact: Annual Review Working with the Impact Working Group on the delivery of requirements for the ‘Impact’ element of the Annual Review Outline case studies: underpinning research; outline of impact; evidence and evaluation of impact so far; plans for future Completion date: 1st Nov 2016
Outputs Review Working with the MDS Outputs Working Group on the delivery of requirements for the ‘Outputs’ element of the Annual Review Purpose: Proportion of 4* and 3* research output Understanding what high quality in the REF looks like
Outputs Review: Key dates By 11th Nov 2016: At least 2 outputs per REF eligible individual have been read No need to assess All potential 4* outputs captured/assessed Best 4 outputs where available recorded on PURE - guidance notes available
Outputs Review: Key dates Ideally, reading is continual process and grades entered throughout the year Quality assurance: calibration; moderation All of the above to be completed by 11th Nov 2016. University REF Board meets later on that month.
Open Access for REF: Key points HEFCE Policy covers: all published outputs and proceedings (with ISSN) Applies to outputs accepted for publication after 1 April 2016 Final peer-reviewed text (final draft manuscript) in PURE immediately on acceptance HEFCE policy works with publisher embargo periods If the output does not comply with Open Access Policy then it’s not eligible for submission to REF
Open Access for REF: How-to guide Takes you through key actions to: Create a new record for an output in PURE All the essential information about the output that needs to be added in the PURE record How to upload your final draft manuscript That’s all you need to do – the Digital Assets Team in the Library will check copyright and embargo periods. Further information:
Contacts: Ronni Littlewood Research Planning Partner Dr Joanne Croudace Research Planning Officer Karen Clews PURE Manager For Open Access Queries:
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