2nd 6 weeks 2014
Warmup#1 What skills do you need to be college ready? Career ready? Explain your response.
Warmup#2 What is ambition? What drives ambition? What can ambition drive us to do?
Warmup#3 What is the reason for choosing your profession?
Warmup#4 Free Write
Warmup#5 How are you similar to your chosen individual, besides sharing interest in the same career?
Warmup#6 Reflection write: On your directions to the Journey map, explain the evidence of your individual’s success and what you can learn from him or her to succeed in the chosen career. (Must include evidence from your research with parenthetical citations!)
Warmup#7 What do you already know about Hamlet?
Warmup#8 Anticipation Guide questions #1-9
Warmup#9 Why is Horatio worried about the state of Denmark after seeing King Hamlet’s ghost?
Warmup#10 Turn back to Act 1 Scene 3 and reread lines 541-565. Write two examples of advice Polonius gives to Laertes in your journal.
Warmup#1 Explain the meaning of the following quote: “Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.”
Warmup#2 Explain how Hamlet’s father died. How does Claudius seem to fit the symbol of a serpent?
Warmup#4 Explain the meaning of the following quote: “But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovered country, from whose bourn no traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have, Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all…”
Warmup#5 How are the deaths of Julius Caesar and Hamlet’s father similar?
Warmup#6 Free write
Warmup#7 Based on the quote below, does Hamlet feel remorse for his crime against Polonius? Explain. “I must be cruel, only to be kind; Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind. “
Warmup#8 What does the play seem to reflect about your human condition? Explain.
Warmup#9 What evidence do you have for your interpretation of the human condition portrayed in Hamlet?
Warmup#10 Now that Polonius is dead, who are the possible foil characters to Hamlet? Explain your response.