The LEARN Strategy Professional Developer’s developed by D The LEARN Strategy Professional Developer’s developed by D. Sue Vernon, Jean B. Schumaker, and Donald D. Deshler The Cooperative Thinking Strategies Series 2006 The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning Lawrence, Kansas University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Cooperative Thinking Strategies A group of strategies students can use to think and work productively together University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
The Rationale for the Cooperative Thinking Strategies Series Students have difficulty working together in groups. Students have difficulty with higher-order cognitive processing tasks. Teachers and students do not know how to create a learning community. University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
The Purpose of the Cooperative Thinking Strategies Program Students learn the skills for working in groups. Students learn simple structures for completing higher-order thinking tasks. Teachers and students learn how to create a learning community. University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Learning Community Characteristics Always Present Trust among participants Commitment to goal and group Every participant valued Resources are accessed by all Everyone has a voice & contributes Mastery emphasized Everybody learns Diversity is valued Time available for work University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Learning Community Characteristics Always Present Support & help for doing better next time Goal is clear Goals are shared Authentic work related to shared goals Rewards are shared Everyone is a learner Everyone is a teacher Everyone is valued & feels valued Everyone feels safe University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Learning Community Characteristics Sometimes Present Fun Hard work Frustration Failure Success People will take risks People will do safe thing University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Learning Community Characteristics Sometimes Present Independent work Group work Individual grades Group grades Cooperation Competition Leader makes decision Group decision making University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Learning Community Characteristics Never Present Shaming Putdowns Negative remarks Rudeness Domination People not doing their share Some people learning and others not Some people getting rewards and others not Continued failure University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Manuals in the Cooperative Thinking Strategies Series The SCORE Skills The Teamwork Strategy The THINK Strategy The LEARN Strategy The BUILD Strategy University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
The Purpose of the LEARN Strategy To enable students to work in teams to learn information. To give students a structure for working as a cooperative group. University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
The LEARN Strategy Locate and discuss clues Extract key words Assemble a memory device Rehearse and rotate Note your SCORE University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
The LEARN Strategy— Mean Percentage of Answers Correct on Content Tests 72% 64% 61% 48% The Challenge University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
The LEARN Strategy—Mean Percentage of Study Skills Steps Performed by Groups The Challenge University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Lesson 1: Review of the SCORE Skills Review basic concepts Learning community Social skills Review the Share Ideas Skill Review the Compliment Others Skill Review the Offer Help or Encouragement Skill Review the Recommend Changes Nicely Skill Review the Exercise Self-Control Skill University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
The Instructional Sequence Within Each Lesson (“At-a-Glance” & “Play-by-Play”) Give an advance organizer Introduce and describe Lead a guided practice activity Conduct a practice activity Give a post-organizer Take it a step further University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Lesson 2: Introduction and the “L” Step Advance Organizer Introduce and Describe Guided Practice Activity Group Practice Activity Post Organizer Take It a Step Further University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Lesson 2: Introduction and the “L” Step Introduce and Describe Cooperate Strategy Clues “LEARN” Steps The “L” Step Integrating the SCORE Skills University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
The “L” Step Locate and Discuss Clues Read the material Look for the clues Discuss the importance of the information SCORE Skills: Share Ideas, Compliment Others, Offer Help or Encouragement University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Types of Clues Words in a column The seasons are: winter spring summer fall University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Types of Clues Words separated by commas Clay, coal, flint, and slate are types of rocks. University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Types of Clues Numbers or letters in sequence The four oceans are: 1) Pacific, 2) Atlantic, 3) Arctic, and 4) Indian. Causes of heart disease include a) stress, b) smoking, and c) being overweight. University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Types of Clues Word clues A number: “The five Great Lakes are…” Types: “The types of food in the …” Parts: “The parts of a sentence are…” Steps: “The steps that you should follow are…” University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Types of Clues Visual clues Pictures Graphs Tables Diagrams University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Types of Clues Different print Bold-faced print: Italics: Underlined: The seasons are winter, spring, summer, and fall. Italics: Underlined: All capital letters: The seasons are WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, and FALL. University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Lesson 3: The “E” Step Advance Organizer Introduce and Describe Extract Integrating the SCORE Skills Guided Practice Activity Group Practice Activity Post Organizer Take It a Step Further University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
The “E” Step Extract Key Words Look for key words within the information Make a list title critical items SCORE Skills: Share Ideas, Compliment Others, and Offer Help or Encouragement University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Lesson 4: The “A” Step (part 1: acronyms) Advance Organizer Introduce and Describe The first way to assemble a memory device: by making an acronym Guided Practice Activity Group Practice Activity Post Organizer University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
The “A” Step (part 1) Assemble a Memory Device by Making an Acronym Brainstorm and manipulate items in the list to create an acronym Make study cards University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Items that must stay in order Examples of Acronyms Items that must stay in order Paraphrasing Steps* R Read a paragraph. A Ask yourself, “What were the main idea and details in this paragraph?” P Put the main idea and details into your own words. * Reprinted with permission from Schumaker, Denton, & Deshler (1984). The Paraphrasing Strategy. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Some North American Islands Examples of Acronyms Items Not in Order Some islands in North America are Long Island, Alcatraz, Bermuda, and Liberty Island. Some North American Islands B Bermuda A Alcatraz L Liberty Island L Long Island University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Teacher Demonstration Make an Acronym: Teacher Demonstration The sense organs are the skin, eyes, ears, tongue, and nose. Title: Items: Acronym: Front of the study card Back of the study card The Challenge University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006 University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2002
Lesson 5: The “A” Step (part 2: sentences) Advance Organizer Introduce and Describe The second way to assemble a memory device: by making a sentence Integrating the SCORE Skills Guided Practice Activity Group Practice Activity Post Organizer Take It a Step Further University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
The “A” Step (part 2) Assemble a Memory Device by Making a Sentence Continue to brainstorm and create a “first-letter” sentence Make study cards SCORE Skills: Share Ideas, Compliment Others, Exercise Self-Control University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Make a Sentence Memory Device Sentence My Very Educated Mother The NINE Planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Sentence My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Teacher Demonstration Make a Sentence: Teacher Demonstration The four oceans of the world are the Indian, Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific Title: Items: Sentence: Front of the study card Back of the study card University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Lesson 6: The “R” Step Advance Organizer Introduce and Describe Integrating the SCORE Skills Guided Practice Activity Group Practice Activity Post Organizer Take It a Step Further University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
The “R” Step Rehearse and Rotate Practice with a partner Switch partners and try again SCORE Skills: Compliment Others, Exercise Self-Control University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Responsibilities of the Coach Ask Questions Think of a question to ask your partner about the information on the card. Remember, the questions must include the words on the study card. Give hints only if needed. Hints include: Saying the acronym. Saying each letter of the acronym. University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Responsibilities of the Coach Give Feedback Compliment the person Offer help or encouragement Recommend changes nicely University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Responsibilities of the Coach Keep Track Put the cards into two piles The “Know” Pile The “Don’t Know” Pile University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Responsibilities of the Coach Ask the Questions Again Go through the “Don’t Know” cards and repeat the steps above until all the cards are in the “Know” Pile. University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Responsibilities of the Learner Try to answer each question the coach asks. Tell what memory device you selected, if asked. Tell what the device means, if asked. Spell key words in the list of information. Exercise self-control. University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Lesson 7: The “N” Step & Apply the LEARN Strategy Advance Organizer Introduce and Describe The “N” Step Integrating the SCORE Skills Guided Practice Activity Group Practice Activity A new problem All LEARN Steps Post Organizer Take It a Step Further University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Note Your SCORE Checklist Directions: Make a checkmark (√) next to each skill and step that your group used. Then complete the sentences to the right of the lists. Did we: Share Ideas? Compliment Others? Offer Help or Encouragement? Recommend Changes Nicely? Exercise Self-Control? For this assignment, our best skill was: Overall, did everyone use the SEE steps? Sound of our voices was appropriate Expressions were appropriate Eye contact was good We need to remember to use this skill more often: Did we: Locate and discuss clues? Extract key words? Assemble a memory device? Rehearse and rotate? Note our SCORE? The best thing that happened in our group today was: We need to improve: Were all members of the group SATISFIED with the solution? Yes No Signature: Did all members of the group LIKE the way the team worked together? Yes No Signature: University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006
Generalization of the LEARN Strategy Ongoing activities More practice activities Content-based learning activities University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning 2006