L.O: To explain what blood transports Blood II L.O: To explain what blood transports
What is in blood? Red blood cells, white blood cells platelets and plasma – what do these do? RBC – O2 Plasma –CO2, soluble food, waste material(urea) Platelets – clots blood at area of cut WBC antibody production and phagocytosis
Red blood cells Contain haemoglobin – protein containing iron that picks up O2 when RBC pass through lungs Adaptations – no, nucleus, haemoglobin- high affinity for O2 Becomes oxyhaemoglobin Oxygen + haemoglobin oxyhaemoglobin Oxygen is released at cells for respiration Oxyhaemoglobin Oxygen + haemoglobin
Transport of urea Toxic chemical formed from the breakdown of proteins Made in liver and excreted through kidneys Transported in plasma Diagram
Transport of food Glucose, amino acids and other water soluble substances transported in plasma What cannot be transported in plasma? Fats-transported in lymphatic system Diagram