Mr. Fleckenstein AP English 11 Author Introduction Mr. Fleckenstein AP English 11
Mark Twain (biography video) Born Nov. 30, 1835 (Samuel Langhorn Clemens) in Florida, Missouri then moved to Hannibal, Missouri (age 4) Mischievous boy (Tom Sawyer) Aversion to school; stopped at age 12 Apprentice in printer shop with brother
Mark Twain Left Hannibal in 1853 Traveling Journalist River boat pilot Confederate soldier, deserted the cause Nevada Gold Rusher 1863 adopts penname Mark Twain (river boat)
Mark Twain Married Olivia Langdon 1870 and moved to Hartford, Connecticut Civilized community Son died 1872, blamed self FICTION PERIOD: The Guilded Age (1873) Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) Adverntures of Huckleberry Finn (1885) Died on April 21, 1910
Huckleberry Finn THEMES: Conflict between “sivilization” and “natural life” Characters representative? On river vs. On land Honor/ Stealing Huck’s Pap? Huck? Jim steal his kids Huck stealing Jim "The people whom Huck and Jim encounter on the Mississippi are drunkards, murderers, bullies, swindlers, lynches, thieves, liars, frauds, child abusers, numbskulls, hypocrites, windbags and traders in human flesh. All are white. The one man of honor in this phantasmagoria is 'Nigger Jim,' as Twain called him to emphasize the irony of a society in which the only true gentleman was held beneath contempt."
Huckleberry Finn THEMES: Satire=_______________________________ Religion Superstition Race Royalty Slavery Was Twain a RACIST? Hypocrisy of whites Morals: Right and wrong (heaven and hell) Chapter 31 “Huck’s Moral Code”
Twain’s Influence Ernest Hemingway claimed in The Green Hills of Africa (1935), for example, that "All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huck Finn. . . . There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since."
Twain Quotes and Quote Video: