Online Homework Help “It’s not the technology, but how it is used that makes the difference.”
Sub-Topics Introduction Importance Research Benefits Strategies Examples- References
Introduction Homework can actually be an enjoyable experience: Children need to know why and how it is going to benefit them. How it fits into their education. Purpose not clear=unfulfilling experience.
Importance To reinforce and complement skills introduced earlier. To get extra practice. To assess the progress of the students. To meet needs of students. To meet different learning skills.
Research* Using the Internet is the norm for today’s youth. 3 in 5 children go online (July 2002) 78% of children-12- 17- use the internet. One of the online activities is schoolwork. *Survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project.
Benefits and Drawbacks Speed. Up to date sources. State of the art knowledge. Ability to communicate with online teachers and tutors. Online study groups. Many websites are developed for use in education. Peer help. Interact- cooperate with others in the world. Work at their own pace. Distraction Difficult to tell timeliness Wrong and misleading information Safety and liability issues Online cheating groups Many inappropriate sites (intentional deception)
Strategies Give students specific pre-screened sites. Assign a variety of projects to minimize plagiarism. Use a search engine to spot cheaters. Limit students’ research time in class. Strategies for teachers to take advantage of benefits and avoid drawbacks.
References Ask Dr. Math Ask Jeeves for Kids Atlapedia Online B. J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper Chem4Kids Exploratorium Science Snacks Exploring English The Franklin Institute Hyper Grammar HyperHistory Online IPL Youth Division Kids Click! The Nine Planets Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab Schoolwork Ugh! Zoom Dinosaurs