Good Morning! Today is _______________________. Let’s pretend someone mailed you a make believe pet. It isn’t like most pets. It ______________________________. Maybe it causes problems because it ________________________________.
Good Morning! Today is _____________________. One typical morning I ____________________. I dress _____________. I prepack my book bag. It isn’t ________________________. I need these objects to ________________.
Good Morning! Today is ____________________________. A bird that removes objects from people in a park ________________________________. Reading about ________________________ is most fun.
Good Morning! Today is ____________________________. I recall a time when I was rushed in the morning. I felt _______________________. Who or what caused me to hurry? It was caused by ____________________________. Maybe I ____________________________.
Good Morning! Today is ____________________________. This week we read mysteries. A bird takes objects in a park. If you were prewriting a story about the bird, you might include ideas such as _____________________________.