A Toy’s World SB 2.2
Purpose To introduce the concept of “changes in my world” To close read film as text To identify words that describe feelings To write in the voice of a character
Prewriting Brainstorm (using a circle map) a list of toys or games that you had when you were younger and may still have today. These can be anything fro a stuffed animal to a board game – but NOT a pet.
Film Clip To turn in 1. What you know about the move A Toy Story? Provide a basic summary. This movie shows changes in a character’s world. Insert link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz4InwAcZx o&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL9 BE700204D8824CD
After the first viewing… Write words that describe how Woody is probably feeling. Before the changes start happening Once the changes start happening At the end of the scene http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRNo1NYiUOg
After second viewing Describe specific changes in Woody’s world. List words or lyrics you remember from the song in the scene. How is Woody dealing with the changes in his world?
BAV - notes monologue Speech of one person or character. It uses the first-person pronoun “I”
Return to your Circle Map a. Choose one of the toys or games from list and imagine that it could talk, just like Woody. Write its name or give it one. b. If the toy or game could talk, write what would it say about the time it spent before it came to you. It could have been in a toy store, with another person, or in any other place. When you write, pretend that you are the toy and use “I” as in the first-person point-of-view. What would the toy say when it first came to you? (Remember to use I) What would the toy say today? Make clear whether you still play with the toy. What would the toy say about the changes that it has seen in your world? Keep speaking as the toy, using I. HOMEWORK: Story Starter Writing Prompt: Write a story monologue in which your toy talks about his/her situation. Save this work in your Writing Files.