Res Publica Romanorum (The Roman Republic)
Pre-Roman Italy The Latini settled along the Tiber River around 800 BC Seven villages atop seven hills grew together into the city of Rome North of Rome were the Etruscans, whom the Romans selected their kings from South of Rome were Greek colonists
The Roman Republic Romans ousted king and established a new government Became a republic – “a thing of the people” – where all officials were elected Kept any one person from gaining too much power SPQR = Senatus Populus que Romanus (The Senate and People of Rome)
The Senate Ruling body of the Republic was the senate, a law making body (legislature) of 300 patricians (upper class citizens)
Consuls Senate elected two senators as consuls to supervise the government and command the armies (duties similar to those of the US President) Could only served 1 year and could only serve 1 term every 10 years Consuls still had to answer to the senate
Dictators During war or time of crisis, the senate could appoint a dictator Dictator had absolute power, BUT could only hold that power for 6 months Senate had to choose dictators carefully!
Tribunes Position created to satisfy the demands of the plebeians (lower class) and to watch after their interests Could veto any law passed by the senate Eventually, plebeians also gained the right to serve in the senate and to be consuls
Laws of the Twelve Tables In order to ensure that their rights were protected, the plebeians demanded that the laws be posted in a public place; this led to the laws being inscribed on 10 tablets (with 2 more added later) and posted in the Roman Forum
Punic Wars with Carthage By 270 BC, Rome controlled all of Italy between 264 and 146 BC, Rome fought three wars with Carthage for control of Mediterranean trade After crushing Carthage, Rome controlled an area from Spain to Egypt and dominated the Mediterranean world
Expansion During the Republic
Consequences of Growth Increased use of slaves from conquered areas bankrupted many farmers; they moved to Rome and other cities and were cared for by the state Great wealth of Rome led to high rate of corruption among officials Rome needed a strong leader, but the senate feared allowing anyone to gain too much power; this led to street violence and civil wars as charismatic leaders tried to rally support among the people against the senate
The First Triumvirate Political alliance intent on taking control of Rome Crassus: brought wealth Pompey: brought military reputation Julius Caesar: brought youth and popularity with the people Crassus killed in battle against Parthians in 53 BC
Julius Caesar Takes Over Caesar and Pompey began to fight each other for control of Rome Eventually, Julius Caesar marched his army into Rome and seized control in 50 BC; Caesar forced the senate to name him dictator for life Pompey fled to Egypt but was assassinated
Julius Caesar’s Reign Caesar was very popular with the people, but not the senate Started a program of public works to employ the jobless Reorganized the government and expanded the number of people who qualified for Roman citizenship 44 BC, Caesar was stabbed to death in the senate
Octavian vs. Antony After Caesar’s death, his nephew Octavian and his top general Marc Antony eliminated the senators involved Octavian and Antony then fought for control of Rome; Octavian won in 31 BC by defeating Antony and his lover/ally, Queen Cleopatra of Egypt Antony & Cleopatra both committed suicide
Octavian Augustus A weakened senate gave Octavian the title Augustus (“exalted one”), and declared him princeps (“first citizen”); he was in effect the first emperor of Rome and ruled from 31 BC to 14 AD (45 years)
The Pax Romana “The Roman Peace”: 200 year period from rule of Octavian Augustus to that of Marcus Aurelius Little fighting, no civil wars Laws were enforced, people were protected from bandits and pirates Rome grew wealthy from conquest and trade The poor were pacified with entertainments such as gladiatorial contests, and with free bread and housing
Roman Society Family based; father had absolute rule over his family (paterfamilias) All citizens given a basic education, including learning how to read and write Roman religion and gods were almost identical to those of the Greeks
Roman Literature Epic poetry: Virgil’s Aeneid tells how Aeneas escaped the sack of Troy to found Rome Satire: many authors made fun of Roman society History: famous historians Livy and Tacitus Philosophy: Greek and later, Christian influenced
Art & Architecture Realistic sculptures Mosaics and frescoes Huge buildings and arenas Improved on columns and the arch, invented concrete, domed roofs Most famous buildings: the Pantheon, The Coliseum
Technology & Science Excellent engineers, built roads, bridges, harbors Built huge aqueducts to bring water into the cities Ptolemy, an astronomer, theorized that the earth was the center of the universe (he was wrong), but his idea survived for 1500 years! Writings on medicine, zoology, botany, etc.
Law Accused were innocent until proven guilty Guilt had to be proven with evidence Accused was allowed to face and question their accuser All of these remain important cornerstones of modern law!