MBOSCUDA NW REGIONAL CONFERENCE ON FARMER/GRAZER CONFLICTS MBOSCUDA (Mbororo Social & Cultural Development Association) AZAM HOTEL 27 Sept. 2016 Sali Django Programme Coordinator MBOSCUDA NWR
Plan of presentation: Brief History Vision, Mission & Core Values Organization of MBOSCUDA Strategic Objectives & Major Achievements Strengths of MBOSCUDA Challenges Next steps
Brief History of MBOSCUDA 1990s - changes in legal-institutional framework in Cameroon lead to Mbororo “awakening”. Mbororo people used the opportunity to mobilize leading to the creation MBOSCUDA. The idea of MBOSCUDA grew out of informal & unplanned discussions of mostly educated Mbororo youths. Their concern was about Mbororo “Backwardness”. For most of them, it was about questioning oneself: Who or what are we? Where do we come from? Where are we heading to? If let alone what will become of us as a people, our cattle herding culture and pastoral way of life? What can be done to improve our lives?
Without any knowledge about each other a number of associative movements started. In 1987 Fulani Social Development Association {FUSODA} started in Bamenda. Fulani Foundation of Cameroon {FUFOUCAM} started in Kumbo the same year. In 1991 Mbororo Development Association {MDA} started in Yaoundé by University students, traders, government workers and drivers. October,1992 groups merged to create MBOSCUDA as a national structure. 21st October1992 MBOSCUDA was registered at the Nfoundi Senior Divisional Office.
Vision & Mission of MBOSCUDA Vision:A peaceful Cameroon where Mbororo pastoralists secure sustainable development and equal rights in a healthy environment Mission: Working with grassroots communities to achieve their human, economic, social and cultural needs and empowerment through collaboration at all levels.
Core values of MBOSCUDA Grassroots legitimacy (Mbororo pastoralists focused) Transparency/accountability Inclusiveness and social integration Gender awareness (and mainstreaming) Fairness, equity and equality Networking and collaboration
Organization of MBOSCUDA National General Assembly (NGA) 193,000 members (NW 40%) Regional Executive Bureaux (REB) National Executive Bureau Governance Board NW W LT C E A S W JIHA & FAHDA’s Executive Bureaux (JEB & FEB) Projects Staff teams Community Groups & Action
Strategic Objectives & Major Achievements of MB Education (literacy, building schools, access to education, career development, women, Islam): Consolidate and expand Mbororo pastoralists’ access to education, and promote career development opportunities especially for women and youth. Achievements Community sensitization to send children to school including support to PWDs & OVCs. 446 pupils, students & university graduates (253 were girls) offered scholarship for 6 years. 22 classrooms (18 primary sch. & 4 secondary sch.), 2 community halls, 1office, 6 toilets constructed & equipped 52 primary schools provided didactic materials for 5 years.
2) Agro-pastoral development: Improve skills on sustainable livestock and crop production through greater cooperation between different users of agro-pastoral resources. Achievements Stimulated creation of 70 Dialogue Platforms to help reduce farmer-grazer conflicts. Supported 142 Alliance Farms (pairs of herders and croppers). Carried out capacity-building trainings on the management of agro-pastoral resources. Developed 17 water sources, & catchments protection. Awareness creation on climate change & mitigating strategies. 14 biogas digesters constructed in 13 communities in the NWR. 28Ha of improved pasture (Bracharia) developed in 14 communities in the NWR.
Loan recovery rate range from 87%-96%. 3) Securing livelihoods (especially women and youth empowerment): Promote and facilitate sustainable livelihoods in communities through enterprise, skills development and self-employment. Achievements 60 groups (1,934 women & youths) trained on leadership, group dynamics, functional adult literacy (REFLECT), enterprise development, agriculture & PIM. 22,800,000frs provided (loans) to 34 groups for 10 yrs to carry out IGA Loan recovery rate range from 87%-96%.
4) Governance: Promote Mbororo pastoralists voice, visibility, participation, representation, and the ability to secure rights and entitlements. Achievements 7 paralegal offices in all 7 divisions to facilitate access to justice for Mbororo people. Awareness creation campaigns on civic/civil rights, knowledge on the law & to enable them tackle corruption & secure their basic rights. 97 Mbororo listed by 4 political parties in NWR competed for councils seats in 2013 & 48 succeeded as compared to 26 in 2007. 1,183 cases on HR and conflicts put in database & is used for monitoring, networking & advocacy. Pastoralists participated in the elaboration of Cameroon’s Pastoral Code Policy & about 80% of their contributions were accepted.
5) Health, sanitation and hygiene: Promote & facilitate access to primary healthcare, knowledge of general health & nutrition in collaboration with service providers. Achievements 1,719 Mbororo from 40 communities sensitised & supported on HIV/AIDS, STDs and behaviour change. 200 took up voluntary tests and 8 people with positive results received treatment and medication. Awareness creation on reproductive health in 92 communities of NWR for 11 years. Facilitated for the University of Pennsylvania USA & University of Yaounde 1 to carry out Genetic Anthropology Research, consultations & treatments in Tubah and Bamenda III sub divisions.
6) Strong organisations: Consolidate MBOSCUDA’s achievements & secure its future through strategic partnerships & self-help initiatives. Achievements 7 divisional offices manned with trained Paralegal Officers supporting community development. 10 trained Community Volunteers in 14 communities in 5 divisions supporting project activities. Stimulated establishment of 7 Grazer Associations (CBOs) in all 7 divisions which were trained & are supporting MB work at community level.
MBOSCUDA Strengths Strong grassroots recognition/legitimacy. Strong governance Board & competent management (staff). Equipped & able to meet diverse funding requirements. Credible/positive relationships with partners & stakeholders. Unique/innovative approach & collaboration at all levels. Experienced with multiple funders & partners. Guided by clear Vision, Mission, Objectives & is flexible. Excellent project delivery tract record. Strong visibility & connections. Grassroots communities (croppers & herders) & CBOs to work with addressing common problems & fostering peaceful co-habitation.
Challenges Divided Mbororo community, threats, harassments, extortion, prejudices & imprisonment of MB leaders & community members by influential individuals. MB highly dependent on external funding. Lack of a general consensus (at national level) for MBOSCUDA’s approaches. Differences in capacity & evolution of MBOSCUDA in various regions. Weak & poorly organized Mbororo traditional institutions that are easily manipulated. Insufficient voices in representation & in articulating the pastoralists difficulties & challenges.
Next Steps Consolidate achievements & expand within NWR. Share learning with other regions to inspire them. Encourage & strengthen relationships with State Authorities, Traditional Rulers CSOs & NGOs. Seek platform for action to improve on the welfare of herders & croppers. Explore funding opportunities within Cameroon especially public fund raising.