Mrs. DeVaults Note Taking Instruction
Grades Classwork/homework is 50% of your grade Check your grades on IC often Double check and make sure you have received credit for all work I keep all work, and do not return to you unless it needs to be redone
Turning in Work At least 3 assignments need to be completed and turned in each week. Baskets for each period are by the door
Due Dates and Absences Since all work is online, being absent is not an excuse to get your work done and turned in on time. You may do the work anytime, anywhere, as long as you have internet connection. Also, if I am not at school and there is a substitute the same standard applies, as well as the expectation that you will follow all classroom rules and guidelines
Class Time When in class, you are expected to do history work If you are finished with the work for this class, you may work on other school work Cell phones are to stay in your pocket or backpack and NOT be used in class
Note Taking
Headings Papers will not be graded if heading does not contain each of the following : Heading (On the right): Your name _____________ Subject ________________ Unit # _________________ Date __________________ Title (top center of the page): The PowerPoints title will be one of the following: Events and Ideas (#___) Key Terms (#___) Historic People (#___) PowerPoint (#___) DO NOT write the topic, such as: “How America Won the West”
PowerPoint Instructions All PowerPoints must be viewed in PowerPoint “slide show” mode PowerPoints notes must be done in Mrs. DeVault’s Cornell Notes form For Blended classes, these Cornell Notes differ from other classes. Please follow the directions from the next few slides
Setting up for Cornell Notes Name Subject Unit # Date PowerPoint Title (not topic) Draw a line across the paper about 3 lines down from the top Draw line down 1/3rd across the page. Put the PowerPoint description up top Name, Subject, Unit #, and Date, on the top right EQ: (write it here) Slide TITLE goes here One or two sentence summary of each slide goes here
Taking Blended Cornell Notes for History Each slides title must be written on the left side of your paper If the same title is on the next slide, write it again Summarize OR explain what you have learned from each slide in one or two sentences on the right side of your paper DO NOT COPY EVERYTHING FROM EACH SLIDE (or you will be like this guy!)
Taking Blended Cornell Notes Explanation: Because you can ALWAYS look back and review every PowerPoint at any time you want, you do not need to write everything that is on each slide This wastes your time and makes too much work. Most important is to understand the concepts, not just copy what is included on each slide. Instead, read each slide. Analyze what it says, then write down in one or two complete sentences what you understand about each slide. Example of too of much writing for one slide !!!
Answer the questions or write two sentences about each video here Directions for Videos Name Subject Unit # Date Title For each video: On the left write “Video” and highlight the word Video For each video clip write two sentences describing what you learned on the video clip Or Answer the questions as instructed by the slide (number them) DO NOT take notes on Crash Course Videos (directions to follow) EQ: (write it here) Answer the questions or write two sentences about each video here Write Video here
Example of Proper Slide Notes and Video Summaries How a slide with a video clip should look on your notes Showing the notes from the next two slides
Crash Course Videos There will be videos listed in the PowerPoint called “Crash Course” videos. Do not take Cornell notes for these videos Each Crash Course video will come with a worksheet that students will receive from Mrs. DeVault. Click on the CC box at the bottom of each video. This will show text of the video so that students can pause the video and write the answer to each question.
Do NOT write a “summary,” answer the question(s) Essential Questions Essential Questions are at the beginning of each PowerPoint. Copy the Essential Questions at the beginning of your notes Throughout the slideshow, think of the Essential Questions and how you will answer them When the PowerPoint has been viewed, and notes taken, answer the Essential Questions at the END of your notes using five complete sentences Number and highlight each sentence Essential Question: EQ answer: Do NOT write a “summary,” answer the question(s)
An Example of a Good EQ answer: Essential Question: Notice that the student answered the Essential Questions. Notice that the student numbered and highlighted each sentence. EQ answer:
An Example an Incorrect E.Q. Answer: Notice that the EQ answer below does not answer the Essential Questions. Many of the sentences are fragments or incomplete sentences. Some of the sentences do not make sense. The writing needs to be more legible so that it can be easily read. Each sentence was not numbered or highlighted.
Beware If you google the answer or copy from someone else, you will receive 0 credit on your notes
Packets There will be packets in the front of the room with each units Crash Course Videos
PowerPoint Notes Grading Total points = 20 Notes - 10 points: Each slide, one to two sentences each Video summary or questions answered (-2 for each unanswered) Essential Questions = 10 points: Answer the question in five complete sentences Do NOT write a summary Note: Crash Course videos are separate assignments and are worth 20 points
Questions? Again, text message only – I do not answer calls Ask Mrs. DeVault anytime you need help or clarification You may text me at (951) 609-4597 (school cell phone) Again, text message only – I do not answer calls I am at school from 6:00am until the end of lunch