Green Champions & Building Utilization by Facilities Maintenance Dept. Per Board, buildings and grounds are community centers available for legal assembly. July 27, 2017
Green Champions–Energy, Water, Recycle Annual utility $ were $27+ million, now $20 million Award-winning USDOEd Green Ribbon Schools, FL Best Green School District, FL Sustainability Legacy, FL Best Practices, Environmental Protection Board, Keep Jacksonville Beautiful. Voluntary -- participants receive funding and resources Bookkeeping Green account is set up. Bookkeeper works with Green Champion on purchases and send receipts to Joy Stolte. DCPS Sustainability Greenprint Green Champions – Teachers and Green Teams do green activities. Save energy -- high-efficiency lighting, air conditioning, computers. Save water – low flow restroom fixtures, modify irrigation systems, rain barrels. Reduce landfill waste -- recycling zones, green 5-gallon buckets for recycle bins. Save resources -- business electronically, locally-sourced purchasing. Clean air initiatives – 1st Florida district with Employee EV Charge-At-Work policy. Minimize use of chemicals -- Integrated Pest Management Striving to ensure that upcoming generations consider green living the norm. Building Utilization: Per Board, buildings and grounds are community centers available for legal assembly.
DCPS Green Champions Building Utilization: Per Board, buildings and grounds are community centers available for legal assembly.
Building Utilization Scheduling afterhours activities that require custodial and/or HVAC Working on on-line activity form Fees may be waived if activity is during normal operating hours. Otherwise fees apply. Building Use Must be preapproved Documents and payment for building use is submitted at 3001 Custodial DCPS Custodians are paid through the school budget as usual GCA Custodians go through Bulding Utilization process. Building Utilization: Per Board, buildings and grounds are community centers available for legal assembly.
Building Utilization Custodial -DCPS Custodians are paid through the school budget as usual -GCA Custodians go through Building Utilization process. Payments from school or entity are sent to Transportation & Maintenance Offices 129 King Street, Room 25 along with required documents All documents and procedures can be found on the website at Building Utilization: Per Board, buildings and grounds are community centers available for legal assembly.