Capital Improvement in RUSD CMAA- Southern California Chapter September 8, 2016 Hayley Calhoun Director, Planning and Development
How are Capital Facilities Funded in RUSD? District budget provides about 5 million annually for Deferred Maintenance District budget provides about 4 million annually for Routine Restricted Maintenance Monies specific for New Facilities Collection of Developer Fees amounts to 1.5 -3.2 million annually for Facility Improvements and to mitigate growth – i.e. additional portable classrooms Community Facilities Districts (CFDs) to mitigate student enrollment at school site(s) which serve the students generated from the developments Redevelopment funds improvement projects within identified areas of the city i.e. new tennis courts at a high school within the Redevelopment area (these funds are no longer being generated)
School Districts must rely on local funding through General Obligation Bonds and the state School Facility Program for New construction Modernization Over-Crowding Relief
In 2001 RUSD passed Measure B: 175 million General Obligation bond The District had significant facility needs identified in our Facility Improvement Plan The School Facilities Program had authority for funding which provided a 50/50 match for New Construction and a 60/40 match for Modernization The District matched $175,000,000 in Measure B Bond dollars with the School Facility Program funding for New Construction and Modernization projects The District has completed over $350,000,000 in projects utilizing Measure B Bond dollars and available School Facilities Program funding
Fast forward to 2016 The SFP is over-allocated. SFP monies have been committed to projects with a backlog of unfunded projects Matching funds are not available to Districts Local dollars must fund 100% of projects
Current Projects Portable additions to multiple sites 2015 10 portables set at four sites 2016 10 portables set at three sites Prop 39 projects at multiple sites 2015 1.32 million 2016 1.38 million 2017 1.61 million Chiller Replacement – 10.4 million Theater Refurbishment – 17.1 million Fire Alarm Replacement at multiple sites Central Kitchen Remodel – 7.1 million
Capitol Improvement Projects when Funding is available Replace Portables with Permanent Construction Modernization of school sites ‘Right size’ support facilities at sites New Elementary school(s) Expansion of High School athletic facilities ADA compliance – Path of Travel evaluation all sites Major Maintenance - replace aging systems Replace irrigation systems and refurbish landscape (drought tolerant)
District Needs are greater than available Local Funds RUSD has identified 1.3 billion in need through our recently completed Long Range Facility Master Plan A Statewide Bond will support Districts with Facility Needs, over and above Regular Routine, Deferred Maintenance and Required Seismic and ADA upgrades A Statewide Bond will provide matching funds to Districts for New Construction and Modernization of existing Facilities A Statewide Bond will support Districts with Facility Needs, Improvements and Growth