Date of download: 11/6/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: An Experimental Powered Lower Limb Prosthesis Using Proportional Myoelectric Control J. Med. Devices. 2014;8(2):024501-024501-5. doi:10.1115/1.4026633 Figure Legend: Electromechanical response times of a pair of pneumatic artificial muscles in an isometric benchtop configuration at nominal muscle length (27.5 cm). The input signal was a 5 ms square pulse whose amplitude produced a control signal with a 10 V peak. Vertical lines indicate time points used to calculate electromechanical delay, time to peak tension, and half relaxation time. EMD was the time from the start of the square pulse to the onset of artificial muscle force development (three standard deviations above baseline force). TPT was the time from the onset of force development to when peak force was achieved. HRT was the time from peak force to when the force dropped 50% from peak force.