Hongyu Bai LCLS-II 2 K Cold Box FDR March 9, 2017 Test of the 2 K Cold Box Hongyu Bai LCLS-II 2 K Cold Box FDR March 9, 2017
2K cold box commissioning Outline 2K cold box test steps 2 K cold box factory test CC factory acceptance test 2K cold box factory test 2K cold box commissioning Operation modes Requirements Process Performance data Documents Summary LCLS-II 2 K CBX FDR, Mar 9, 2017
2 K Cold Box Tests 120 days 60 days 15 days Factory Test of CCs Delivery of CCs Cartridges Installation (Anchoring, Piping, Wiring) Integration of cartridges & Check out (Vendor&JLab) Factory Test of 2K Cold Box Delivery of 2K Coldbox 120 days 4.5K Cold Box Commissioning Completed Cold Compressor commissioning Full CP System Commissioning LINAC Commissioning 60 days 15 days LCLS-II 2 K CBX FDR, Mar 9, 2017
CC Factory Acceptance Tests Cartridge assembly tests The natural frequencies of the rotor will be determined and compared to the calculated values. This will enable Vendor to check the safe operation of the compressor for the entire operation range. Perform a Helium leak test on the cartridge. Test the AMB and the AMB controller at ambient temperature in workshop. Perform a test at 105% of nominal rotation speed under vacuum Casing assembly tests A helium leak test will be performed using a flat flange at compressor inlet and outlet and the dummy cartridge (less than 1 x 10-6 atm cc/s) Electrical cabinet tests The electrical cabinet will be tested during the cartridge test at 105% nominal rotation speed under vacuum at workshop. “Testing procedures and reports (done by Vendor)” to be provided at CC Delivery. LCLS-II 2 K CBX FDR, Mar 9, 2017
Cold Box Factory Tests Pressure test The pressure test will be performed on the process piping, utility piping according to code B31.3. Leak test A helium leak test will be performed on the process piping (less than 1 x 10-8 atm cc/s) and vacuum jacket (less than 1 x 10-6 atm cc/s) “Testing procedures and reports” to be provided by the Vendor. LCLS-II 2 K CBX FDR, Mar 9, 2017
2 K cold box commissioning - Operation Modes The high flow configuration of the 2 K coldbox will be tested in CP1 first. The specified operation modes to be tested. 1. Maximum Capacity ≥215 g/s; Suction: 3.4 K, ≤27 mbar; Discharge: 1.20 bar, ≤30 K This condition forms the basis for the maximum volume flow and maximum operating speeds. 2. Nominal Capacity ≥157 g/s, Suction: 3.5K, 28 mbar; Discharge: 1.20 bar, ≤30 K. 3. Minimum Capacity ≤ 150 g/s, Suction: 3.5K, 28 mbar; Discharge: 1.20 bar, ≤30 K. 4. Pump-down (Start , peak) suction pressure: 1.2 bar to 27 mbar. Speed: minimum increases to normal This configuration will be used for the first light. LCLS-II 2 K CBX FDR, Mar 9, 2017
2 K cold box commissioning - Operation Modes The low flow configuration of the 2 K coldbox will be tested in CP2 first. The specified operation modes to be tested: 1. Maximum Capacity 135 g/s; Suction: 3.5 K, 27 mbar; Discharge: 1.20 bar, ≤30 K This condition forms the basis for the maximum volume flow and maximum operating speeds. 2. Nominal Capacity 120 g/s, Suction: 3.6K, 28 mbar; Discharge: 1.20 bar, ≤30 K. 3. Minimum Capacity 100 g/s, Suction: 3.6K, 28 mbar; Discharge: 1.20 bar, ≤30 K. 4. Pump-down (Start , peak) suction pressure: 1.2 bar to 27 mbar. Speed: minimum increases to normal This configuration for CP1 and CP2 will be used for future normal operation. LCLS-II 2 K CBX FDR, Mar 9, 2017
2 K cold box commissioning - Requirements Final acceptance testing is to occur after the integration of 2 K cold box is completed. The Vendor to verify that all the CC instruments and controls associated with the provided equipment are properly indicating throughout each portion of the acceptance test. Process data (temperatures, pressures, mass flows, speeds, and gas purity) will be recorded by the SLAC’s archival system. The entire system shall operate stably at each of the operating conditions for 24 hours. Final test operational procedures to be provided by the Vendor 4 weeks prior to the start of acceptance testing for review and approval. The Vendor to provide the services of competent engineers and technicians to participate and conduct the initial startup and operations for the acceptance tests. JLab and SLAC: (1) to provide support personnel as required during operations and testing for the purpose of training; (2) to assign additional engineers to observe and evaluate the testing. LCLS-II 2 K CBX FDR, Mar 9, 2017
2 K cold box commissioning - Process in 4.5 K CBX and LHe Dewar LHe Buffer 35 kW Heater for simulation of 2 K Coldbox load during 4.5 K coldbox commissioning 2 K coldbox will be connected after 4.5K coldbox commissioning is completed. LHe Dewar 6 kW LCLS-II 2 K CBX FDR, Mar 9, 2017
2 K cold box commissioning - Process in 2 K cold box Flow meter Flow meter CV 3 kW Heater To control the suction temperature of the first CC. LCLS-II 2 K CBX FDR, Mar 9, 2017
1st Stage Suction Pressure Pump Down Path for CHL2 1st Stage Suction Pressure Mass Flow Sequences: Back-fill Pumpdown- 2K CBX Pumpdown -4.5K CBX Heaters in CM Control CM pressure 1st Stage Suction Temp 1st Stage Speed
2 K coldbox and CC performance Pressure ratio calculated by inlet and outlet pressure Flow rate Measured by venturi flow meters The overall isentropic efficiency of the CCs will be calculated based on the data value measured during the acceptance test. 2 K refrigeration power Calculated from 2 K coldbox flow rate and temperature Suction pressure stability LCLS-II 2 K CBX FDR, Mar 9, 2017
Documents Document No. Title Author Status 1 CC Final acceptance test – equipment operation procedure Vendor 4 weeks prior to acceptance testing 2 CC Final acceptance test report 4 weeks after final acceptance test completion 3 2 K Cold Box commissioning procedure JLab Prior to Commissioning readiness review 4 2 K Cold Box commissioning report 4 weeks after acceptance test LCLS-II 2 K CBX FDR, Mar 9, 2017
Summary Does the the design allow adequate Performance Tests* of the Cryoplant? Note*: Test of Cold Compressors and overall Cryoplant with 2K Compressors Running. The design of of the 2 K coldbox test is included in the 2 K coldbox and the cryoplant system design. It includes sufficient instruments to measure the performance of the CCs and 2 K coldbox, and specific heaters and transfer lines/U-tubes for the tests. These allow adequate performance tests of 2 K cold box with the 4.5 K cryoplant. The test procedures will be provided by the Vendor and JLab prior to the commissioning readiness review. LCLS-II 2 K CBX FDR, Mar 9, 2017
Thank you! LCLS-II 2 K CBX FDR, Mar 9, 2017
Cryoplant Layout Overview CP1 4.5K Cold Box CP2 4.5K Cold Box 2K CBX 16
Performance Test of 4.5K coldbox 15 kW heater for HTTS 2 kW heater for LTTI (new) 35 kW heater for CC