Dignity Education and Sanitary Project for Shaw Park Combined School in Port Alfred South Africa 2016
Empowering girls to COMPLETE their Education!! There are 9 000 000 girls in South Africa between the ages of 13 and 19. This is the school going age of menstruating girls. This is a normal part of any woman’s life which should not impede her progress through life. Empowering girls to COMPLETE their Education!!
Dignity With Port Alfred High School Interact Club We have picked Shaw Park Combined School for this Project
Empowering girls to COMPLETE their Education!! Their Education is hindered by 25%, as these girls do not go to school whilst they are menstruating as they have no access to sanitary wear. Empowering girls to COMPLETE their Education!!
The monthly cycle of a woman should be something to Celebrate and not to Dread! That is one week every month, which is a massive set back in their school careers. If there is money in the family it first goes to food. Empowering girls to COMPLETE their Education!!
Thank you RC Hamburg International We received from you R 17 100 For which we could Purchase 60 SUBA Packs For Shaw Park Combined School And Pay for Transport, the signs, the handover, hiring of teaching aids and do the activation
The handover and activation took place at the hall of Shaw Park Combined School. The School is situated in the rural area approximately 40km from Port Alfred. In addition to the recipients of the SUBZ packs, it was good to see that a few parents of the girls also attended. Picture top left: recipients Picture top right: Apart from the scholars, the Headmaster of Port Alfred High School Mr Clive Pearson, took a keen interest in the project. Picture left: Rotarian Mike Millard welcomes all
The President of Interact together with Interact Club Members are handling the activation of the product. Shown above is President Inga explaining the SUBZ Project with a detailed Power Point presentation (above left) and a comprehensive video (left)
The School provided us with a list of recipients and their relevant sizes. Interact Members handed out the packs and checked against the list. Each table had 3 Interact Members assisting and also showing each recipient the SUBZ pack and discussing the use in great detail during the handover.
The sign will be prominently A proud moment for Mike and Inga when they handed over the below sign to Mrs September, the Headmaster of the School. The sign will be prominently displayed inside the office of Mrs September
It was visibly a surprise to Inga (left) when Rotarian Mike presented her with a special Appreciation Award from the Rotary Club of Hamburg International during the annual prize giving ceremony held at Port Alfred High School. According to the Headmaster Mr Clive Pearson, this is the first time in the history of the School that an International Award has been provided.
I would like to, on behalf of myself and the Interact Club, thank the Rotary Club Hamburg International, Rotarian Birgit Von Have, Rotarian Ankama Hango, Port Alfred High School & the Rotary E-Club for Helping us, Help these girls. We truly believe this project will make a massive impact in their lives!! Inga Mepanduku, President of PA High School Interact