Grandview’s PARCC Presentation March 16, 2017
Welcome! Meghan MacMillan Carolyn Romanoski Kelly Nickels Schedule Presenters Meghan MacMillan Carolyn Romanoski Kelly Nickels Schedule Q &A
PARCC PARCC= The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers The PARCC is aligned to the common core Math- require students to solve problems using mathematical reasoning and to be able to model mathematical principles Literacy- students will be required to closely read multiple passages and to write essay responses in literary analysis, research tasks and narrative tasks
Why PARCC? More thorough academic measurement tool Keeps parents informed Improved instruction Benefits from technology
What a Testing Session Looks Like Takes place in classroom or library Administered by your child’s teacher Teacher is not allowed to help with content questions or give reminders or rewording Computers will be “swapped out” if there is a problem (Students will not lose work) Students can read if finished early Classes who are not testing will have a regular morning
Testing Times Grade 3 ELA Unit Times Unit 1 - 90 min Unit 2 - 75 min Unit 3 - 90 min Math Unit Times Unit 1 - 60 min Unit 2 - 60 min Unit 3 - 60 min Unit 4 - 60 min
PARCC Accessibility Features for ALL Students audio amplification, blank scratch paper, eliminate answer choices, flag items for review, highlight tool, headphones, line reader tool, magnification/ enlargement devices, notepad, pop up glossary, spell check device, writing Tools (cut, paste, bold, insert, copy), answer masking
Sample Questions
How will PARCC results be used? To assist teachers in supporting students To inform parents and students on progress towards ‘on track’ college and career readiness To inform schools and districts on curricula, instructional and professional development needs
PARCC Scoring On your child’s score report, the scores in math and English language arts/literacy are broken down into sub-categories. Your child’s score in each will help you understand the progress your child is making and whether he/she needs additional practice or needs to be challenged by going deeper into a subject. Not all questions on the test are broken into the sub-categories so the sub-scores will not add up to the overall score. ELA- literary texts, informational texts, written expression, knowledge and use of language conventions, vocabulary Math breakdown: major Content, additional and supporting content, expressing mathematical reasoning, modeling and application
How to Help Your Child At Home! Relax and stay positive…if you seem nervous, they will notice and may become nervous too Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep Each testing morning, provide a good healthy and hearty breakfast for your child Make sure they are wearing comfortable clothes that will not leave them too hot or cold Encourage them to their best…that is all they can do!
Wrap Up PARCC website- We have not adopted all parts of the PARCC so be careful on the website As soon as information is released, we will update you
Helpful Websites e_corner 3-mathematics artsliteracy/grade-3-elaliteracy