HI-LUMI 3D, Towards a luminous future Core team: K. Karlsson, J. Piippo, T. Westerlund (Lapland University of Applied Sciences), I. Zurbano (University of Oviedo) HL-LHC communication: I. Bejar Alonso Original Integration models: S. Maridor, B. Vazquez de Prada Graphical design: B. Vazquez de Prada General Support: C. Noels Presented by P. Fessia
Provide different view of system integration to push optimisation Create a bridge with population living near the P5/P1 where large CE activities will take place Study a tool as possible option for early safety training and intervention team training Provide different view of system integration to push optimisation New communication tool to reach people worldwide Pc based: Download and install locally Web based: Run remotely via web browser Download and install on your Android phone from the Google Play store Download and install on your iOS phone from the Apple Store
What is
Mobile version PC/Web based version 4
And in the mobile version…..
Links and possible future Link with all the versions: http://cern.ch/hilumi3d Possible future developments: Virtual model of LHC existing machine for communication and preparation for disassembly (training of newcomers not before at CERN). To be used together with the 360° picture . Virtual model of the UR with final integration to provide extra tool to set up installation interventions with external actors. Detailed Virtual Model of specific high rad area to prepare better de-installation. HL-LHC LSS for communication to the general public.
Or if you want to reach a larger audience, make it more … Or if you want to reach a larger audience, make it more ….interesting for all ages