Finding God in… Transitions Life’s Difficult.


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Presentation transcript:

Finding God in… Transitions Life’s Difficult

“Time for Needed Discipline” Numbers 11:18-35 Part #5 “Time for Needed Discipline” Numbers 11:18-35

I. What Happened A. God’s Response vs.18-20 Part #5 A. God’s Response vs.18-20 B. God’s Provision vs.31&32 C. God’s Discipline vs.33-35

II. Harsh Discipline vs.33&34 Part #5 A. Repeat Offenders Exodus 14-17 B. Rejected God vs.20 C. Preparation for the Future Numbers 13

III. The Purpose of Discipline Part #5 A. Discipline is Redemptive Hebrews 12:7-11 B. Discipline is Necessary Proverbs 23:13 C. Discipline is an Act of Love Proverbs 13:24