V. Uzhinsky, A Galoyan (JINR, Dubna, Russia), 2015


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Presentation transcript:

V. Uzhinsky, A Galoyan (JINR, Dubna, Russia), 2015 FTF Model for Simulation of Antiproton-proton and Antiproton-nucleus Interactions V. Uzhinsky, A Galoyan (JINR, Dubna, Russia), 2015 In 2002 Jim Ritman and Serge Gonzhur asked us to create background event generator for PANDA experiment. We created DPM generator based on Dual Parton Model, and after that annihilation module in GEANT4 (G4FTFAnnihilation, FTF). Physics Book of PANDA Collaboration, Physics Performance Report for PANDA (AntiProton Annihilations at Darmstadt) Strong Interaction Studies with Antiprotons Main problems: Estimation of the cross sections and string fragmentation.

PbarP processes, Reggeon approach (A.B. Kaidalov) Calculation procedure: V.V. Uzhinsky and A.S. Galoyan, hep-ph/0212369 (2002) Cross-sections of various processes in anti-P P interactions. Implementation: A.Galoian and V.Uzhinsky, AIP Conf.Proc.796:79,2005 New Monte Carlo implementation of quark- Gluon string model of anti-p p interactions. 2

Cross sections, process “b”, anti-di-quark – di-quark string creation 2-particle decay 4

4 Cross sections, process “e”, anti-quark – quark string creation LUND Model Jetset 6.2 4

Cross sections, process “e”, anti-quark – quark string creation 5

Cross sections, process “a”, 3 anti-quark – quark string creation Main channels of anti-proton-proton interactions are reproduced! 6

Cross sections, process “g/h”, high energy interactions 7

8 Validation of FTF, PbarP annihilation at rest See more data in: C. Amsler F. Myhrer Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. v. 41 (1991) 219. C. Amsler Rev. Mod. Phys. 70 (1998) 1293 8

9 Pbar-P channel cross sections with baryons in final states Results for ref: 09-06-ref-03, see more details at: http://g4validation.fnal.gov:8080/G4ValidationWebApp/G4ValHAD.jsp 9

Pbar P annihilation channel cross sections Results for ref: 09-06-ref-03 , see more details at: http://g4validation.fnal.gov:8080/G4ValidationWebApp/G4ValHAD.jsp 10

Rapidity distributions of pi- mesons in Pbar-P interactions. Results for inclusive cross sections of anti-Proton – Proton reactions Rapidity distributions of pi- mesons in Pbar-P interactions. G.D. Patel et al., Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields 12,189, 1982 C.P. Ward et al., Nucl. Phys. B153 299 1979 E.E. Zabrodin et al., Phys. Rev.D, V52, N3, 1995 11

Results for inclusive cross sections of anti-Proton – Proton reactions Rapidity distributions of pi+ mesons in Pbar-P interactions in a wide energy range 12

Results for inclusive cross sections of anti-Proton–Proton reactions PT2 of Pi+ mesons PT2 of Protons 13

E.V. Vlasov, Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields 13, 95, 1982 Results for inclusive cross sections of anti-Proton–Proton reactions Rapidity distributions of protons E.V. Vlasov, Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields 13, 95, 1982 G.D. Patel et al., Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields 12,189, 1982 J. Chyla, Czech. J. Phys. B 30 1980 E .G. Boos et al., Nucl. Phys. B174 45, 1980 14

Description of p+p -> p + X reactions 15 V. Uzhinsky, arXiv: 1404.202 Effect of uu diquark suppression in proton splitting in Monte Carlo event generators V. Uzhinsky, A. Galoyan Phys.Rev. D91 (2015) 3, 037501 xF distributions of protons in pp interactions at 158 GeV/c. Closed points are the NA49 experimental data [5]. Lines are results of FTF model simulations: standard proton splitting (solid black), optimal diquark fragmentation function (dashed red), string inversion (dotted blue), diquark suppression (1/6 instead of 1/3) including the optimal fragmentation function and the string inversion (solid thick).

Antiproton-Nucleus interactions, cross sections for light nuclei V. Uzhinsky, J. Apostolakis , A. Galoyan et al. Phys. Lett. B705 (2011) 235 Anti-proton-nucleus cross sections implemented in Geant4 16 Production cross sections, results for ref: 09-06-ref-03.

Antiproton-Nucleus interactions, cross sections for heavy nuclei V. Uzhinsky, J. Apostolakis , A. Galoyan et al. Phys. Lett. B705 (2011) 235 Anti-proton-nucleus cross sections implemented in Geant4 17 Production cross sections, results for ref: 09-06-ref-03.

Correction of multiplicity of intra-nuclear collisions Antibaryon-Nucleus interactions, inelastic interactions A. Galoyan, Hyperfine Interactions: v. 215 (2013) 69 “Simulations of light antinucleus-nucleus interactions” Low energy, Std. cascade. Cascade+ Resonances Model of nuclear disintegration In high-energy nucleus nucleus interactions. K. Abdel-Waged, V.V. Uzhinsky Phys.Atom.Nucl.60:828-840,1997. High energy, Std. QGS. Correction of multiplicity of intra-nuclear collisions S.Yu. Shmakov, V.V. Uzhinsky, Zeit. fur Phys. C36:77,1987. Max. cross section method: W.A. Coleman: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 32 (1968) 76 18

Antibaryon-Nucleus interactions, inelastic interactions Correction of multiplicity of intra-nuclear collisions, HARP-CDP exp. data Nmax=1, Plab=3, 5 GeV/c: Nmax=2, Plab=8 GeV/c: Nmax=3, Plab=12 19

Annihilation Pbar-A at rest. Cu U Energy spectra of pi+ mesons produced in Pbar–D/Ne at rest J. Rielberger, Nuclear Physics B (Proc Suppl ) 8 (1989) 288-293 20

P.L.McGaughey et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. V56, N20, 1986 21 Results of FTF validation for anti-Proton–Nucleus reactions inflight Momentum distributions of Pi Momentum distributions of Protons P.L.McGaughey et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. V56, N20, 1986 21

Angle and energy distributions of pions and protons in Results of FTF validation for anti-Proton–Nucleus reactions inflight Angle and energy distributions of pions and protons in Pbar-C /Nbar-C interactions at projectile momentum 750 MeV.c P.L.McGaughey et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. V56, N20, 1986 22

Kinetic energy spectra of neutrons produced in Pbar-Al, Pbar-Cu at Results of FTF validation for anti-Proton–Nucleus reactions inflight Kinetic energy spectra of neutrons produced in Pbar-Al, Pbar-Cu at projectile momenta 1.22 GeV/c T. von Egidy et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 8, 197 (2000) LEAR collab. data 23

Kinetic energy spectra of neutrons produced in Pbar-Ta, Pbar-U at Results of FTF validation for anti-Proton–Nucleus reactions inflight Kinetic energy spectra of neutrons produced in Pbar-Ta, Pbar-U at projectile momenta 1.22 GeV/c T. von Egidy et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 8, 197 (2000) LEAR collab. data 24

25 Leading antiproton spectra in PbarA interactions at high energies pA-interactions at 120 GeV/c,R. Bailey et al., Z. Phys. C29 (1985) 1. 25

Rapidity Ch+, Rapidity Ch- mesons Results for FTF validation for Pbar-Nucleus interactions at p= 200 GeV/c Rapidity Ch+, Rapidity Ch- mesons Multi-particle production on hydrogen, argon and xenon targets in a streamer chamber by 200 GeV/c proton and antiproton beams. De Marzo et al. Phys. Rev. D26 (1982) 1019 26

Summary DPM model has been extended to low energies. A new tuning of model parameters have been done. Good description of Pbar+P interactions has been reached. Anti-proton-nucleus cross sections have been calculated and parameterized. Extension of the model on anti-proton-nucleus reactions has been proposed. Promising results have been obtained. Extended model has been implemented in Geant4 toolkit. 27

FTF, Antibaryon-Baryon Interactions 28

Process cross sections 29