Philippine Country EFA Mid-Decade Assessment: Context and Status


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Presentation transcript:

Philippine Country EFA Mid-Decade Assessment: Context and Status

OVERALL POLICY/PLANNING FRAMEWORK FOR BASIC EDUCATION Global EFA 2015 Goals and Targets Millennium Development Goals International Philippine EFA 2015 Plan Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan for Basic Education National Regional Regional Basic Education Development Plan Division Basic Education Development Plan Division School Improvement Plan Baranggay ECE and ALS Priorities School/Community

Country Level Monitoring and Evaluation Efforts EFA Task 9. Regular monitoring of progress towards the attainment of EFA goal and targets. This task will entail the following: designation of a core group or dedicated unit at different levels capacitated to monitor policies, programs and projects to attain the EFA goal; and monitoring of actual effort undertaken by all stakeholders and learning outcomes that result from these efforts.

Country Level Monitoring and Evaluation Efforts Status of Phil EFA Task 9 Implementation Validation of the Unified Basic Education Sector (EFA) Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Establishment of DepED EFA Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation Teams at different levels (national, regional and divisional levels) which will coordinate the continuous process of assessment and planning for improvement.

Draft Sector M&E Framework Outcomes/Results Indicators Sub-Sectors Providers Overall Goal of Phil EFA Component Objectives DepED LGUs Private Sector NGOs Other GOs ECE Learning Outcomes (Access, Efficiency, Quality and Equity) Elem So, with those considerations, this is how the draft Sector M&E Framework looks like. Sec Immediate Results ALS Enhanced learning environment Improved effectiveness and efficiency of support system Strengthened Schools/Learning Centers Improved effectiveness of learning facilitators

Country Level Monitoring and Evaluation Efforts Status (cont…..) Initial capacity-building of the DepED EFA Planning and M&E Teams nationwide on Sector Monitoring and Evaluation and Strategic Planning. Preparation of the Draft Regional and Country EFA Mid-Decade Assessment Reports by DepED. Adoption of the National EFA Committee to lead/coordinate the EFA MDA process

EFA Implementation Coordination Machinery *** National National EFA Committee National EFA Secretariat (DepED) Regional Development Council-Social Development Committee Regional Secretariat (DepED or NEDA) Provincial, Mun./City/ Brgy Levels Local Development Council/Literacy Coordinating Council *** Composed of basic education multi-stakeholders where DepED and Education Network (Network of NGOs) serve as Chair and Co-Chair, respectively

Composition of the National EFA Committee Chair : Department of Education Co-Chair : Education Network (Network of NGOs) Members : Other Government Agencies involved in the actual delivery and/or policy making, national coordination, advocacy in basic education Representatives from the Local Government Units (Union of Local Authorities in the Phil) Representatives from the Private/Business Sector (League of Corporate Foundations) Representatives from the Congress Phil Representative to the UNACOM SEAMEO-INNOTECH

Functions of the National EFA Committee National plan preparation/updating National coordination Policy making Social mobilization Resource mobilization Monitoring and Evaluation Overseeing the creation and operation of sub-national alliances

EFA Technical Working Groups (within the National EFA Committee) 1. Early Childhood Education – member agencies/organization of the ECCD Council Formal Basic Education (Elementary and Secondary) – multi-stakeholders with DepED as lead 3. Alternative Learning System (for OSYs and Adults) – Literacy Coordinating Council and Bureau of Alternative Learning System of DepED 4. Governance, Management and Finance – multi stakeholders with DepED as the lead

Objectives of the Country EFA MDA: 1. use the assessment process as an entry point to implement the urgent and critical task of EFA on monitoring of progress in attaining EFA goal and targets; 2. assess the progress of the country towards the 2005 Phil EFA goal and targets viz. global EFA goals and strategies, especially in terms of reducing disparities;

Objectives (cont…) : review policies, programs, projects, activities and services in ECE, FBE and ALS particularly in the following areas: curriculum and instruction human resource development (e.g., training of learning facilitators) education resources (hard/software) quality assurance and monitoring and evaluation governance and management (incl. multi-stakeholders coordination) budget and finance

Objectives (cont…) : 3. utilize the results of the assessment to develop/update the EFA Implementation Plans at different levels and recommend policy changes; and 4. build the capabilities of M&E Teams at different levels on continuous process of assessment and planning for improvement.

Approach of the Country EFA MDA Process 1. Adaptation of the Global EFA MDA Report Outline/ requirements 2. Engagement of different stakeholders at different levels (through the National EFA Committee) 3. Utilization of “learning by doing” approach 4. Conduct of special surveys to gather data/information on selected additional EFA indicators which are not yet available

Country EFA MDA Coordination Task Force National MDA Coordinator: DepED Undersecretary for Regional Operations Taps the Governance, Management and Finance (GMF) TWG; Chair is the DepED Assistant Secretary for Planning Members of the GMF TWG includes the Chairs of the ECE, FBE and ALS TWGs National EFA Committee Secretariat (Office of Planning Service of DepED) – backstops the GMF TWG in coordinating the Country MDA process

Some areas for further analysis 1. Unreached/under-served groups 2. Financing of basic education by the government (national, local), NGOs, private/business sector, ODA

Some areas for further analysis (cont..) EFA Coordination Lead: EFA-GMF TWG Take-off point – recommendations of the EFA 1 Assessment Focus of assessment – strengths and weaknesses of the adopted mechanisms for coordination (Social Development Committee vs. National EFA Committee) viz. key functions of National EFA Coordination Committee/Forum

By Phil EFA goal/theme (ECE, UPE/UBE and ALS) viz. Global EFA goal Some areas for further analysis (cont..) 4. Analysis of the six EFA goals By Phil EFA goal/theme (ECE, UPE/UBE and ALS) viz. Global EFA goal Gender and quality goals will be discussed per theme Inclusion of Summary of Analysis – highlighting cross-cutting issues Example: Gender Parity Index across diff. goals Classification of Regional Performance across goals

Some areas for further analysis (cont..) 4. Analysis of the six EFA goals (cont..) Discussion of policies, programs and projects in each theme will focus on: a) learning standards; b) curriculum and instruction; c) human resource development; d) education resources; e) quality assurance, monitoring and evaluation; f) governance and management; and g) budget and finance.

Some areas for further analysis (cont..) 5. Documented good/best practices to be featured in the Country MDA Report: Reaching the Un-reached/Under-Served Groups Literacy Program which received “Hall of Fame” Award from the national government Basic education program(s) for Working Children Student Tracking System

Some areas for further analysis (cont..) Good/best practices (cont..) c. Initiatives addressing quality Reading Program in the elementary level (particularly for Grades 1 to 3 ) b. School-Community Partnership Project IMPACT (Instruction Managed by Parents, Community and Teachers)

Some areas for further analysis (cont..) 4. Good/best practices (cont..) d. School-Local Government Partnership Local School Board which adopted a performance-based programming of Local Government Unit (LGU) resources

Country EFA MDA Milestones: Convening of the NEC to present and discuss the Country EFA MDA Framework and Status Collection and analysis of additional data/information Refinement and finalization of the CMDA (through consultations with various stakeholders at different levels) Endorsement of the CMDA by the NEDA-Social Development Committee, Cabinet Level Submission of the Final CMDA Report to UNESCO