Mid-term Presentation: 28th July 2004 Jing Xiong Andrew Kwok Mid-term Presentation: 28th July 2004 Positioning Team Demetri Spanos Vijay Gupta Nicolas Foirien
MVWT II / Positioning Team GOTChA 7/1/04 Goals Functional vision system in lab Robust positioning solution on rooftop Technical Challenges Little documentation for lab vision Don’t know what’s wrong with vision - (no BIOS access, no second HD) - conflicting reports of performance Finite budget for rooftop positioning New method must be implementable on bats (size weight I/O) Approach Find Steve (in progress) Collect all vision documentation Switch back to Win2k Skyetek developer’s kit Systematic vision diagnostic (~2 hours, 6th Jul) Objectives Identify problem/cause in vision Repair vision to extent possible - Maintain current functionality Identify rooftop positioning system by July 7th (10 cm accuracy) Order by July 14th Implement by AFOSR demo, if possible
MVWT II / Positioning Team GOTChA 7/28/04 Goals Functional Vision system in lab Robust positioning solution on rooftop Technical Challenges Interface to vehicle RS232 weight size Update rate / sensor noise Hard to measure orientation Objectives Achieve 10cm accuracy for rooftop positioning system $25K budget Implement rooftop positioning in time for RoboFlag Competition -2 week: purchased system arrives -1 week: finish rooftop vision implementation Approach DGPS dual measurement with our own base station Kalman filter on DGPS boards (Superstar II Navtech) Accelerometers
Systems Comparison RFID DGPS Vision IR Cost $20 K + $10 K + > $20 K Accuracy 10 cm 1-10 cm ~ 1 cm 1 mm Time weeks 1 week > RFID Difficulty High Low Med High Update Rate µ velocity (~ 5 Hz) 10 Hz 50 Hz > 10 Hz Orientation No Yes (2 measurements) On- / Off- Board On Off
RFID Based Positioning System – Feasibility Analysis Hardware feasibility : Testing using turn table shows max vehicle speed can be > 6 m/s. Spacing required for 10 cm accuracy is 10 cm Multiple tag information doesn’t improve accuracy unless distance of reader to tag is known (possible improvement for future) Financial feasibility : With budget = $25,000 and 30 vehicles Possible to tag 21x21 m^2 of floor area with 10cm accuracy Labor feasibility : Unique numbering, sticking them on the floor individually : time consuming
System Block Diagram -Rooftop DGPS- 7/28/04 Satellites Other Team Help! Base Station Vehicles Arbiter (C2 Team) Needs Work 802.11 Working Diff Corr. Xi,Yi,θi Need surveyor Pos./Vehicle 802.11 Zaurus RS232 DGPS Board 1 DGPS Board 2 (w/ KF) RS232
DGPS Budget Item Unit Price Quant. Item Expense Superstar II DGPS Receiver/Antenna 165 24 3960 Base Station 1150 2 2300 Development Kit 800 1 GPS/KF Textbook 100 TOTAL 7160
Superstar II DGPS A low-cost, small-size DGPS receiver 4.6cm x 7cm 22 grams (w/o antenna) Can be run as a base-station with appropriate antenna On-board computation Serial Port Communication Within 100m of base station, expect to get 1cm accuracy at 10 Hz Antenna pair separated by 10cm gives angle to within 10 degrees (worst-case)
Agenda for the Remainder of Summer Acquire materials by 6 Aug DGPS boards for vehicles Base stations Development kit Software interface for DGPS by 13 Aug Hardware mounting by 13 Aug Obtain exact coordinates for base stations via a surveyor by 13 Aug Gather statistics and characteristics of a Kalman Filter for a DGPS solution Implement the use of accelerometers in the current vehicles