Climate Change Adaptation in Industrial Areas in Morocco Please write the Title of the presentation in the first box. Please put the subtitle of the presentation in the second box. Please put tht name of the speaker, title of position and name of institution/organisation in the box in the left corner. Please put your logo in the box in the right corner. If the logo doesn‘t fit in the predefined box, please change the format of the box before adding the logo. Climate Change Adaptation in Industrial Areas in Morocco Philip Jain INDUSTRIAL AREAS: BE COMPETITIVE THROUGH SUSTAINABILITY. CRITERIA FOR BEST PRACTICES | MEXICO 13-14 Oct 2015
Private Sector Adaptation to Climate Change Global project on Private Sector (PS)Adaption to Climate Change (CC) Central America, Morocco, Rwanda, Bangladesh Focus on Moroccan project on Industrial Areas Climate Change in Morocco Temperature raise, longer heat waves and droughts, less precipitation, sea level rise Consequence for Industrial Areas Water and energy scarcity Productions stops & company shut downs – economic losses Environmental disaster through floods and storms (e.g. contamination of soil) threat for public health Overview about the global project by GIZ supported by Adelphi on Private Sector Adaptation on Climate change. 2014-2017 In Central America (Sector Tourism), Morocco (Industrial Zones), Rwanda (Business Development Provider, Private Sector) and Bangladesh (SME Clusters) Focus on Morocco as the approach chosen in Morocco works together with the private sector in industrial areas Focus on Climate Change in the frame of industrial areas: Morocco is a country in the north of the African continent: phenomena of climate change such as heat waves, droughts, heavy rainfalls, increasing temperature Consequences: Temperature raise projected in morocco 3,6°C Average 26 days longer heat waves Less precipitation – 25% Average 5 days more drought Sea level rise 18-59 cm until 2100 Photo: Zone Industrielle de Tanger (MOGHOGHA ), 2008 Zone Industrielle de Tanger, 2008 Climate Change Adaptation in Industrial Areas in Morocco
Action fields and approach Action fields of the project Sensitization Capacity building & mainstreaming Knowledge network Bottom-Up approach (focus on existing industries) Interviews with enterprise in industrial areas on Climate Risks (Vulnerability Assessment of selected IP) Develop CCA Strategy for pilot industrial areas Ait Melloul, identification and implementation of pilot adaptation measures. Generalization of the approach Action fields Sensitization Capacity building & mainstreaming (Financing mechanisms) Knowledge network Approach: Bottom-Up approach, focus on existing industries (later generalization to integrate in planning process as well) Interviews with enterprise in industrial areas on Climate Risks (Entreprises IP Managers, Private Sector Organisation) to benchmark the status quo Vulnerability Assessment of selected IP: 1.Understanding Exposure and Identfying Risks, 2. Analysing and evaluating Risks, 3. Identifying and assessing adaptation options. (with the help of Enterprises & private sector organisations, IA managers and public partners, Planning agency) Develop CCA Strategy for pilot industrial areas Ait Melloul, identification and implementation of pilot adaptation measures. Generalisation of the approach (with the Moroccan Association of Industriap parks COZINE, IP Managers, Minístry of Industry Photo: Zone Industrielle de Tanger (MOGHOGHA ), 2008 Zone Industrielle de Tanger ( MOGHOGHA ) Climate Change Adaptation in Industrial Areas in Morocco
Summary – key thesis / messages Climate Change (CC) manifests itself differently from place to place regional case studies & specific vulnerability assessment are required to develop appropriate adaptation measures CC will more frequently affect private sector in industrial areas in Morocco, CC Adaptation in necessary to prevent risks for society, the environment and the economy CC Adaptation in Industrial Areas need to be considered at different levels Private Sector (Company level) Industrial Area (Park management) Planning Authority/Ministry (Public Institutions) CC Adaptation can be only successful approached in a holistic way Climate change manifests itself differently from place to place – that is why regional case studies are important to identify the specific risk and develop adaptation measures that are appropriated to the threatened entity. In the frame of Morocco with focus on private sector in industrial zones, the consideration of climate change adaptation in industrial areas is crucial to guarantee sustainability and profitability of industrial development. With increasing impact of climate change in general, also industrial areas get more frequently affected. Adaptation strategies and measures in IA thus are becoming an important topic to sustain a sound business. Without adaptation strategies environmental degradation, threats to the society (e.g. public health) and economic loss will increase. Climate Change Adaptation in Industrial Areas needs to be considered on different levels to be successfully implemented: Private sector (company level), Industrial Areas (Park management level), Planning authority/Ministery (political level to implement CCA in planning and retrofitting processes.) This approach is complementary to what Dr. Brulez outlined about CCA in industrial areas in India, coming from the planning authority point of view. Climate Change adaptation can only be successful when it is approached in a holistic way from different levels and point of views. Photo: Source: Climate Change Adaptation in Industrial Areas in Morocco
65760 Eschborn, Germany Advisor GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH Dag-Hammarskjoeld-Weg 1-5 65760 Eschborn, Germany Title of presentation